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Star-Studded Summer | brainysmurfette | 3


politely refused the director's offer, and he began cursing at her in French. She simply shrugged and headed on her way. She'd wasted enough time already. There was research to be done.

The air-conditioning in the library's lobby felt wonderful on her parched skin. made her way down to the rare books room in the basement and began browsing the section that was the focus of her research project. Rounding the end of a row of shelves, found herself face-to-face with the amazing cheekbones and gypsy-like good looks of Johnny Depp. Her jaw dropped, as did the pile of books she had collected in her arms. Of course, being an empathetic and down-to-earth kind of guy, Johnny Depp bent down with to help her sort out the mess.

"Hey, I was looking for this," said the star, holding up a particularly ancient volume.

"I'm sorry... I don't... You can... I mean, you're welcome to use it, if you'd like, Mr. Depp," replied , stumbling terribly over her words.

"Why don't we share it? And please, call me Johnny," he said with a smile.

Still star-struck, simply nodded.

"And what may I call you?" Johnny prompted.

"Oh! ... ."

The pair made their way to a secluded corner table and settled into cushioned chairs. sat rigidly, hurriedly scribbling notes from the book that lay open on the table between them.

"You look stressed, . Would you like me to give you a massage? I've been told I give excellent massages. Or maybe an orgasm? I'm even better at those," Johnny said with a sexy wink, catching completely off guard.


How does she respond?

          "I could go for a massage."


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