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my sisters jammed zipper | amativissimus | 6


"Now, now, big brother. Remember, you promised you're not going to enter me. You'll just have to look at what's on display now."

I grinned and nodded. "No problem, sis; you know you can trust your loving big brother." I couldn't really stay mad; after all, all she had on now was a bright orange thong that was hotter than mere nudity (at least on my little sister's fine young bod). "Don't you want to wash up?" She looked startled: she'd forgotten that she had pissed her pants. (She has a bit of damage to her sense of smell, due to an accident as a kid; we don't razz her about it.)

"You're right; I bet from your expression that I'm a bit of a stinker right now."

"No more so than always; it's just on the outside now."

She pouted adorably. "You meanie! And I was just gonna ask if you wanted to come shower with me today...."

"I apologize, I misspoke! My hot little sister's very urine is perfume on the breeze, wafting from her fragrant and most desireable loins!"

She grinned. "Don't overdo it, buddy boy. I guess you can join me after all." We walked to the bathroom, where she started to strip off the thong, then stopped. "Better keep this on, so you're not too tempted; it needs to be rinsed anyway." Meanwhile, I had peeled off my clothes, and prepared to climb into the oversize shower stall with her.

At first, we concentrated on getting her clean, all over. If my loving hands lingered overlong on those marvelous breasts and that fine ripe ass, who could blame them? The groans from my sister made it clear that their touch was not unwelcome. I was extra careful to make sure that the fabric of her thong was first soaped up, then rinsed thoroughly, especially in front. One or two of my slick fingers did stray into the rear sector, only to be captured and replaced with one of her own (which loitered for a suspiciously long time in that sheltered neighborhood).

My cock was harder than ever. Her nasty trick (where had she learned THAT one, anyway?) had only postponed, not stopped, my progress towards one of the finest orgasms of my life (and certainly the naughtiest). My little sister owed me one, and I wanted to collect now.


Back to a blowjob, or try for something more exotic? Or ask her to release you from your promise?

          break your promise?

          How sincere was she about keeping me to that taboo?

          Ask her to release me from my promise


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