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Surviving Space Station Sigma | street0 | 3


The moan disturbs you. You wonder if Dr. Stewart is not as dead as you thought he was, but being torn in half has a high correlation with mortality.

More moans sound, and then the light in the rest of the science lab goes out. Only the observation room you're in is lit up. Unbroken darkness fills huge broken window you went through.

You heft the half-empty canister over your shoulder like a club and edge towards the window, trying to peer into the darkness.

Suddenly, your ass is burning. It's covered in some sort of acidic spit which is shredding the seat of your pants. You turn your head and witness some sort of scorpion-like creature launch itself from the big air vent grate at you.

The creature hits your ass like a cannon ball and knocks you forward. You barely have the time to drop the canister and push your arms ahead of you to protect your head as you fall.

You're bare assed and face down. A circular area around the seat of your pants is fully dissolved. The creature's chitinous legs dig into your ass, and then you feel its two tiny tusks bite into your perineum. You feel venom being injected into your taint. Instantly, you are wet and your head fills with wool. It's odd how conscious you are of your wetness as you fade out.

Before you're out, you feel the creature lift its phallic tail, only to drive it into your now wet cunt like a dog impaling a bitch. You moan yourself. You distinctly feel that the tail ribbed, but the bumps on it are moving, almost as if egg-shaped objects are traveling through it deep into your womb and it's not a tail at all.

The world goes dark.

When you come to, the lights are back on. The creature is gone. Your pert ass is hanging bare out the back of the space station uniform and your cunt is still wet. You run your fingers along your taint, but of course there's no evidence of any bite.

The intercom buzzes.


Does Rachel answer the intercom? Who is it? Is it safe?


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