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The Cerberus Project | deathofcards | 2


You sat in your cabin and always felt more relaxed whenever you stared at your space hamster playing in his wheel. You wondered if You would ever have such a carefree existence. The Normandy was still an hour out from the Omega four relay. The door to Your cabin slid open and you watched as Jack walked sternly across the room. She paused for a moment staring at the picture of Liara on your desk. You noticed very slightly that her hair was beginning to grow back however Jack striking you harshly across the face distracted you somewhat.

“You, fucking idiot . I told you that handing that base over to Cerberus was a mistake.” She growls at you.

“Objection noted.” You reply while touching your jaw. “You know it's usually considered an offense to assault your commanding officer.

“It was a suicide mission the first time. Now, we're going back to rescue the cheerleader?” She retorted.

“I owe Miranda.” You tell her.

“Why, because they saved your life? You don't owe them shit . You already saved her life once remember?” She answered.

You can recall quite clearly. Those final few moments after you destroyed the Proto-Reaper, grabbing Miranda's hand before she fell from the platform.

Your recollections were cut short by EDI interrupting your conversation with Jack. Her holographic projection lit up in the far corner of the room.

“A coded transmission for you Commander.” EDI informed you.

“Who from?” You asked.

“Unknown. The transmission is heavily encrypted.” EDI answered.

Jack took that as her moment to leave. You answered the call.

“Hey, Shep.” The familiar voice of Kasumi came through the channel.

“Ms Goto.” You answer.

“Found something big. I picked up some interesting chatter a couple of days ago. Something about a Prothean ruin. Whatever it is they've found they don't want anyone else knowing about it.” She told you.

“And you thought what with concealing Prothean artifacts to be a crime in Council space? That as a good citizen that you would report this to a Council Spectre?” You comment.

You hear Kasumi laugh.

“Not, that you want to get there first?” You ask jokingly.

You suspect if you could see her face Kasumi would be smiling at this point.

“Well as a law-abiding citizen I thought I would help in anyway I can.” She replied.

“Ok. Forward me the co-ordinates and I'll check it out when I can.” You reply.

Kasumi cut the transmission


You stood overlooking the galaxy map ten minutes out from Omega station.

Joker's voice came in through the comm channel. “Priority distress call, Commander. You'll want to hear this”

“Patch it through.” You tell him..

“This is Aria T'Loak. Omega station is under attack from unknown assailants. The station is under siege. We are requesting aid from any nearby ships.” Aria's voice barked over the channel.

“Damn it” You shouted.

“How long has it been playing for Joker?” You ask.

“Just under two hours. That can't be a co-incidence.” Joker answered.

EDI's voice chimed in. “Telemetry reports show numerous Cerberus ships leaving the Omega Four relay several of which headed towards Omega.

“EDI, have the crew assemble in the hangar bay.” You order.


You stand in the hangar bay overlooking the group gathered there. Everyone was present. Grunt, Legion, Samara, Jack and Tali.

“The situation is more complicated than we realized. We're going to split into two groups. Grunt, Legion and Jack will take the shuttle and secure Omega. The rest of us will proceed through the relay and rescue Miranda.” You tell them.

You watch as Grunt pumps his fists together in excitement. They gather their gear and head to the shuttle.

Tali gives you a look of concern as she heads back towards engineering. You realize Samara is looking at you with an amused smile on her face.

“Keeping me close, ?” She asks coyly.

You remember the devastation as you came round in that apartment building in Omega Tables and chairs littering the room and Samara's broken crumpled body lying on the floor. Morinth had suspected you all along and used you to get close to her mother. Somehow Morinth had convinced you to let her on board the Normandy. You intrigued her and ever the hedonist was along for the ride.

“Something like that.” You reply cautiously.

“Relax, you're far too interesting for me to want you gone.” Morinth replied.

Her impersonation of her mother was flawless. No-one on board suspected a thing. You knew Morinth was a powerful ally and you kept constant tabs on her. Morinth headed back off to her cabin.

You headed back up to the bridge.

“Two minutes out from the relay Commander.” Joker informed you.

You stood back at your position behind the galaxy map uncertain what was going to greet you on the other side of the relay.


What lies beyond the relay?


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