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Star-Studded Summer | brainysmurfette | 4


'He looks trustworthy,' thought, 'and besides, this is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me. How could I NOT sign?' Despite a feeling deep within her that it was probably a bad idea, signed the contract.

"' ,'" the director read. "A lovely name, but from now on you will be... Bunny Chatterley!"

"Huh?" was confused. What kind of a stupid name was that??

"Just do what I tell you, and I will make you a huge star, Bunny! Now come on! There's no time to waste. We have a scene to shoot!"

felt herself being pushed and pulled by stagecrew members back to the set, which she saw clearly for the first time. Situated in the middle of a grassy quad was a large bed, piled with pink blankets and pillows and surrounded by mounds of fresh flowers and a mass of lighting, cameras and other equipment.

The stagehands tossed onto the springy bed. She was about to protest the rough treatment, but the words caught in her throat at the sight of the famous leading man strolling towards her, walking barefoot through the grass, clad only in a pair of silky boxers.


Who is the semi-nude star?

          Oh my God, it's Mark Wahlberg!


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