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Where am I this time | soraya | 2


I open my eyes and look around, this definitely isn't my room, and doesn't feel like my bed. I feel another body on the bed so I turn around and look, It's my sister's friend Samantha, deeply asleep and apparently naked under the covers. I lift them up to double check, and yes, yes she is naked. Her breasts are simply amazing, but I'm still confused how I ended up here.

I look at the arm I just used to lift the covers, its a lot more slender then mine and it looks like my sisters. I get nervous and I look down at my chest. Yup, I definitely have boobs. I see a mirror on the other side of the bed and get up and have a look. I'm definitely in Lucy's very naked, very attractive body.


What to do now?

          Wake Samantha up


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