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Tomb Raider: Lara's fall into depravation | skrelm | 13


Lara had spent the last days wondering if she should get breast implants. She was well aware that her breasts were more than big enough, but the thought of them being even bigger, monstrous so to speak was getting more

and more attractive to her. Lara knew men were attracted to her breasts, and if they were even bigger, well their effect would be even stronger. She had also looked into the possibilties of plastic surgery done on her bum and lips. In addition, she had bought a number of fresh, sturdy vegetables each day.

She had decided to wear a small black dress with an open back that accentuated her long braid for her night out. The dress clung to her shapely body as if it was painted on. Coupled with overknee stockings and high-heeled black shoes, Lara couldn't help but feel aroused by her own reflection. She showed a generous amount of cleavage, but not an obscene amount. As she stood in front of the mirror, she briefly considered going without panties, but decided against it. I don't want them to think I'm a whore, Theodor's statement echoed through Lara's mind.

She met Theodor at a coffee shop at 20 PM. Lara was horny, as she had been the last weeks, and felt a surge going through her when Theodor told her she looked smashing.

"The plan is," Theodor said, "I drive you over to a club called The Drop, you tell the bouncer that Dave sent you and you will be let in. From there on, you are on your own."

"I think I can take care of myself, but thank you for your concern," Lara's dry, overconfident remark made Theodor smile.

She may have seen the face of danger a couple of times before, he thought, but the little whore has no idea what this is going to be like.

Lara was surprised to see how anynomous the club was. Only a small sign told her that this was in fact the drop. Inside, there was just a reception desk and a very feminine, thin black man with a glittery shirt. He sat watching his nails, and barely looked up when the stunning heroine entered.

"Excuse me," Lara said, "this is The Drop, right?"

The receptionist looked up overbearingly and apparently annoyed.

"That depends who is asking."

Lara had never felt more nervous and excited in her life. This was almost like opening a thousand year old tomb, except she always knew what to do in a thousand year old tomb.

"Dave sent me," Lara struggled to keep her tingling body still.

"I see," the receptionist still sounded unimpressed, "where is your mask then?"


"Yes," he produced a little laugh as to tell Lara how incredibly silly she was, "everyone needs to have a mask, it is the code of conduct in here. Confidentiality, you know. It helps remind people they are in a free zone." The patronizing, camp voice made Lara want to break his nose.

"Well if you don't have a mask, you can always borrow one from me."

Lara contained her irritation.

"Yes, I would like to, please."

The young man opened a drawer and pulled out a mask and gave it to her. Lara watched it and then watched him, one eyebrow raised. The mask's empty eyes surrounded by pink latex stared at her. Under them was a big upturned nose.

"This is a pig mask!" Her voice was raised, "you can't be serious, what else have you got?"

"Well, I'm sorry miss" the man turned the sarcasm in his voice up a few notches, "but people who come here bring their own masks. If you want in, you will have to go as Miss Piggy."

Lara grumpily pulled the mask on. It proved a striking contrast to the rest to her stylish attire. The recceptionist could barely hold back his laughter.

"No one usually takes any notice of people's masks," he said before pushing a few buttons behind his desk.

"Take the elevator to the floor called minus two. Have a smashing night miss Piggy."

Lara went into the elevator, luckily there wasn't a mirror, so she didn't have to see her own face. She pushed the button marked -2 and the doors closed.


What awaits her inside "The Drop"

          Lara sticks out in the crowd


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