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Star-Studded Summer | brainysmurfette | 3


"Um, sure," said with a shrug. Her library research could wait a day or two. She felt herself being pulled behind a screen by a couple of very strong stagehands.

"Wardrobe! Makeup!" screamed the director.

was suddenly caught in the middle of a huge crowd of people, all of whom were working together to strip her of her street clothes, pull lacy, skimpy lingerie onto her fit frame, apply goopy makeup to her face and coat her tanned skin with shimmery lotion. In the midst of the commotion, a pen was thrust into 's hand and an official-looking paper was shoved in her face.

"Sign here," ordered the director.

"What's that?"

"Standard contract. Don't worry. We'll take good care of you. Just sign."


Does she sign?

          Yes, of course!

          No! Are you crazy??


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