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The Animorph Pet Shop | techtactic | 9


Nightmare smiled slightly. "Sounds good. What's the address?" she asked. You blink in confusion but tell her all the same, though not without asking why she wanted to know. "You'll find out," is all she offers. Though not exactly satisfied, she doesn't answer any of your questions, leving you to simply shrug your shouldersand lead her back outside.

The instant you feel the sun on your face and breeze in your hair Nightmare forestalls you with a strong hand landing upon your shoulder. You glance back, only to see a mishievous smile light her face.

"Get on my back, pet. We're going for a ride." Knowing better than to argue, and truth be told more than a little excited by the prospect, you climb onto her back wihtout any questions, her muscular arms encircling your legs while your own wrap about her chest, just above her firm breasts.

"Ready?" She doesn't wait for you to answer. With a powerful thrust of her legs, she begins to speed across the ground. You gasp and hold on even tighter as wind rips through your hair. You bury your face in her thick white mane. Soon you begin to grow accustomed to the rhythm of her heavy strides. You can feel her muscles beneath you moving like a single fluid entity, rippling with every motion. You shudder, erection growing in your pants at thsi goddess carrying you, teh sensation only intensified from the vibrations as Nightmare pounds across dew tipped grassy fields.

You lose track of time, simply enjoying the trip through fields on the back of the anthro until, at last, you arrive at your home. Its a fairly large wooden place, out of the way and surrounded by open fields. Its a bit of a walk to town but you don't mind, it being nice and private in exchange, a decided bonus considering the addition that Nightmare will make. As Nightmare trots up to the house, you note a large truck departing from your driveway curiously, but are far too aroused by the snesation of your cock rubbing against the muscular back of the amazon carrying you.

Nightmare releases you when she reaches the door. You are thankful at first, but only until you realize how weak in the knees the ride has made you. Nightmare nickers slightly, pulling you close and planting your head into the cushion of her breasts. "Aw, did you enjoy your ride?" she asks with amusement, her hand stroking your hair comfortingly while the other drifts down, grasping your erection. "Hmm, looks like you really enjoyed it," she whispered, running her fingers along the fabric encasing your length. You redden further as she released your cock, only to sweep you into her arms, bridal style. "Don't worry, I know just the cure." Pushing her way inside, she looked around. You did as well, starting at the changes made. The house was now far more open, walls missing, furniture moved around, furniture replaced, and a massive weight set sitting in the living room.

Nightmare nodded at the et up, evidently satisfied. "Looks like the pet shops guys did a decent job," she observed.

"Wait, they did all this?" you demand in shock. Nightmare looks down at you with an amused snort.

"Of course. They needed to make it capable of supporting us both. I am going to be living here now. Why? Have a problem?" she asked.

You look at all the changes thoughtfully. After a moment you shake your head slowly and look back up at her. "No, no I don't mind. So long as you're with me, I'll be happy." Nightmare grinned at your response.

"Good. Now then pet, I feel a bit sweaty after that little run. Where's the bathroom?"

"Can you, um, let me down first? I think I can walk now," you ask, wriggling slightly in her grasp.

"Oh, you won't be walking much after I'm done with you," she promised, though she put you down all the same.

You felt yourself harden even further at the comment, and quickly began walking to hide your betraying tent. Leading her upstairs, you enter the very spacious bathroom, pointing at the wide shower in the corner. "Its ah, right over there. Just call me when you're done," you tell her, quickly turning to leave.

Only to find the amazonian goddess standing in front of the bathroom door, arms crossed beneath her generous breasts, as if disapointed a naughty child. "Now, now," she began, slowly advancing, you reatreating, "it's a pet's job to make sure his mistress is completely satisfied. And let me tell you something, pet, I'm not satisfied, quite, yet," she breathed.

The shower door ratlled as you back into it, blocking your escape. "O-oh! that right. So, um...what, ah...what would you like me to do, m-mistress." Though the word msitress had come unbidden to your tongue, Nightmare's eyes flashed and she planted an arm next to your head dominantly.

She leaned in close until you were eye to eye. "Well, first off I think you're a little overdressed to serve me," she said, smirking. "Strip!"


Do you give in?



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