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Surviving Space Station Sigma | Sixth | 1


Space Station Sigma was one of three science outposts on the edge of space. The year is 3012 and mankind has stretched far across the stars – without encountering any other intelligent races.

Bacteria and single cell organisms have been found, the promise of intelligent life is there, but until 32 minutes ago mankind was alone.

The edge of space is the edge of human controlled space. Space Station Sigma, in orbit around the dark red planet #45-Sigma, is run by the Atlas Corporation with xenobiological studies in mind. It takes two weeks for the fastest ships to reach the station from the nearest inhabited colony. A re-supply run is not scheduled for nearly a month.

You are Rachel Sands. You left University less than a month ago and are the newest, lowest ranked, scientist on the Station. It is an honour to be here. You were one of 600 applicants and after a gruelling series of mental, emotional and physical tests you are the only graduate on the station. For the last four weeks you’ve been helping Dr Stewart with some blood screening; blood that had been infused with bacteria from planet #90-Beta.

Dr Stewart, like many on the station, is dead.

You discovered his body, torn in half, lying in a pool of congealing blood in the science station his team of six experts and you worked in just as the alarms began to sound. You called for security but heard only gunfire over the intercom.

You are not alone. There is something… unnatural, something inhuman, just outside the science lab and in the corridor beyond. You’ve seen it on the monitors. It clings to the shadows, but looks scaly and hunched although perhaps roughly humanoid.

Your choices seem simple. Wait in the science station and see what enters and returns to the scene of Doctor Stewart’s violent murder or you can try and escape. Escape will be hard, perhaps impossible, you can either risk the corridor which you know some lifeform was in moments or go try and break through the glass partition between the lab and the observation room.


What do you do?

          Break into the observation room

          Arm yourself and open the doors


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