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Den of the Cave Toads | techtactic | 12


"Cecilia? Cecilia!" Dew cried, crouching next to the paladin. Cecilia's head rolled over, boneless with pleasure and eyes misty. "Cecilia? Are you okay? Can you hear me?" Dew tried again, face flushing somewhat with embarassment as she grabbed the woman's naked body, helping her upright.

"D...Dew?" Cecilia murmured, her eyes clearing somewhat.

The elven mage sighed in relief. "Yes Lady Whitelance, it's me. Don't worry, the toads are gone. You're safe now," she assured her.

"Oh?" Cecilia murmured, her eyes clearing of the pleasurable fog. Yet it was not replaced with the clear blue Dew remembered, but by a fiery, a lust filled gaze that demanded satiation. Simply stopping the toads from taking Cecilia had done little. The venom was still in her blood, fiering her loins and spurring her to debauchery. She wanted more. And lucky her, the disgraced paladin thought, glancing over at Dew, a warm body presented itself. A small smile lifted Cecilia's her lips.

"Yes. Don't worry, in just a few-augh!" Dew cried as the paladain suddenly pushed against her, sending the young mage to the ground. Cecilia straddled her victim's waist, Dew's wrists entrapped by the iron grip of her crazed companion. "L-lady Whitelance! What are you doing!" Dew cried. She felt her face flush and pussy moisten at the fiery gaze Cecilia cast her way, a sultry smirk working the former paladin's mouth.

"Shhh, shhhh. Don't struggle Dew. We're going to make each other so happy." Dew's eyes widened, her mind foggy with the venom and unable to come to grips with what was happening. She opened her mouth to ask a question, only for Cecilia to catch her lips in a fiery kiss.

Dew gasped and writhed beneath the paladin. But Cecilia was by far the stronger of the two, and kept Dew pinned down with ease. An involuntary moan escaped Dew's lips. The toad's venom, no matter how slight, was a powerful aphrodisiac. And Cecilia was a very attractive woman, Dew had to admit. She gasped and groaned into the other womans lips, her struggles slowly fading until she at last lay submissively beneath the paladin, kissing back timidly.

Cecilia eventually pulled back, smile filled with lust. "Oh Dew, we're going to have so much fun. But these clothes are in the way. Can't have that," she teased, her hand slipping from Dew's wrist to a dagger in the mage's belt. With a quick cut the mage's robes fell apart, exposing the elf's breasts to Cecilia, which she promtply began to fondle. Dew gasped and moaned at the other womans ministrations.

"Oh you like that huh?" Dew could only nod, then moan in protest as Cecilia drew her hands back. "Now now. You can't have all the fun," Cecilia remonstrated, scooting her ass up Dew's chest, leaving a thin trail of toad cum in her wake. The paladin planted her snatch before Dew's face, just before the other woman nose. What she wanted needed no explanation. Dew stared up at the puffy lips above her, bits of cum from the toads adventures within dripping onto her face. It wasn't too late she realized, she could still resist, toss Cecilai aside and escape. But the venom flushed her face, her legs rubbing against one another in desire to submit, to give in and pleasure the other woman, and maybe be repaid in kind.


Does Dew give in?

          Dew gives in


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