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The Animorph Pet Shop | techtactic | 8


Throughout the Myriad of girls you have seen so far, one stands out in your mind.


Your mind and eyes travel back to the godess of a woman in question. Though you had originally come here looking for a pet, just the thought of the firm, muscualr anthro sent such thoughts spiraling away into oblivion. She simply has something the other girls you've seen don't. That commanding, domineering, confident presence of hers sends chills down your spine and excites you in a way you hadn't honestly expected, yet couldn't cast away regardless of your best efforts. Just looking at the defined muscles on display, you can clearly tell she could dominate you physically with ease, the prospect causing you to breathe a little shallower.

Such thoughts in mind, you cough slightly, interrupting the employee on his latest expostion.

"I uh, think I'll go with Nightmare."

The employee pauses, giving you a level look. "You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Uh huh." Your guide looks around quickly and leans forward slightly. "Listen, I'm not going to try and talk you out of this. But I need you to understand. You take her, and she's not going to be your pet. She's not going to submit to you. That's gonna be your job. No question. Now, you seem like a nice guy, but she's been rejected before, and I don't want her to suffer through that again. So you gotta be sure about this, no half assing it."

You're honestly surprised by the mans earnestness, though you know you shouldn't be. Nevertheless, you look the other man dead in the eyes and answer. "I understand," you tell him firmly. "But still...I would sincerely like to, at the very least try, to be accepted by her."

Perhaps it was the way you worded your answer. Perhaps it was the sincere and firm way you met his challenging eyes. Or maybe it was a combination of the two that prompted the employee to let his stern look soften into a slight smile, leaning away with an accepting nod.

"Glad to hear it," he said. He smiled conspiratorally before adding: "I'll just go get those papers you need to sign. In the meantime, why don't you tell Nightmare the good news." With that the employee walks away, leaving you to glance towards the muscular mare leaning against an alley wall.

Strengthening your resolve, you make your way towards the anthro, pausing before the equine beauty. "Um, hello," you greet her, craning your neck back so that you might look her in the eyes. "I'm here to take you to my place."

Nightmare snorts slightly, nipple rings jingling as she crossed her muscular arms beneath her bared bust in silent challenge. "And, what are you going to do there?" she asks, testing you.

You give her another weak but hopeful smile. "Anything you want to."

The mare stares at you for a second, then cracks a wide grin. Before you even have a chance to react she's scooped you up into her arms, her firm breasts pressing into you chest as she stares into your face. "I think we're gonna get along just fine." With that she pushes herself onto you with a firm, dominating kiss. Her tongue plunders your mouth as all thoughts of resistance flee from your mind at once. You bend to her will, submitting to the kiss, an act which causes Nightmare to smile against your mouth and begin to run her arms all along your back.

The kiss and groping session goes on for who knows how long, only interrupted when a slight cough from behind draws both of your notice.

"Sorry Nightmare, I'm gonna need him for a second."

The mare releases you at that, patting your ass as you turn to face the employee. You smile slightly at the other man, face flushed and hoping that he doesn't notice the tent in your pants as you quickly grab the pen and sign the papers, as best your lust addled mind can manage.

"Thanks. He's all yours," the man chuckles, retrieving the pen and leaving you both.

"Damn straight he is," Nightmare replies, more to you than the departing man, signified as she rolls an arm around your midriff, pulling you close.

You smile, her words exciting you even more as you turn to face her. "So, uh, guess I should show you your new home, then."


Do you go straight home?

          Home, home on the range


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