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Soccer Mom | kabundan | 3


With horror you realise that the outfit you'd offered to pose for them was your playboy bunny outfit that you hadn't worn since 6th form.

Nodding resigned to your fate you retrieve the outfit from your bag.

The outfit consisted of a furry pink thong and corset, the corset would only just conceal your nipples and large furry pink bunny ears for cuteness.

"I'll go and get changed" you say as the team all get out their cameras this is obviously been why they had tryed so hard in those games, well at least you'd succeeded in inspiring them to win.

Going into one of the toilet cubicles you take off your white short shorts, folding these you place them on the toilet cistern. Next you raise your tube top over your head and fold it neatly placing it on top of your shorts.

Standing there in your thong and bra you realise your going to hav to be naked underneath the playboy outfit for it to fit. Unclasping your black bra you drop it from your shoulders fold it and place it onto your other clothes followed by your black thong.

Now naked you begin to put on the lingerie. Sliding the furry thong up between your legs positioning the bunny tail so as to sit central between your butt cheeks.

Next you take the corset, it takes a lot of work to heave this around you for one thing your boobs had been smaller when in college. Eventually you did manage to get all of the fastenings done up though. Looking down at your chest your nipples were still poking up out of the corset. With some effort you manage to position your nipples so as to hold in the corset but your not sure for how long you'd just have to keep them in check (when first worn you used double sided tape to keep your large nipples in place and you don't have any with you!).

Finally taking the bunny ears and tying them in place on top of your head you pack your original clothes into your bag and unlock the cubicle door stepping out of the cubicle to wolf whistles.

"Where do you want me?.....For the photos!"


Photo shoot or playboy party?


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