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Doctor Who Companion Fuck-a-Thon | spentbob | 1


After having to work late, you're walking back home through the park in the dark, tired and miserable, fed up with your stupid job and wishing there was some way you could leave it all behind.

Suddenly, you hear a strange, unearthly grating sound and stop in your tracks, startled. A man in a tweed suit and bow tie comes bursting out of the bushes in front of you and stares at you wild eyed.

"Oh, hello. So, this is how I meet you then? I'd always wondered."

He sticks out his hand, grinning.

"I'm the doctor," he says as you shake, bemused, "And, look, you've got to come with me. There's some things - well, people - you need to do. And it's going to take you some time. Lot's of people! But you're going to like it, you like this sort of thing, you humans."

"What sort of thing?" you stammer, confused.

"Oh, you know," he says, looking awkward, "Sex. Not with me! With, you know, the other sort, Girls. Now come on!"

Bemused, but intrigued by this mad man and his strange offer, you follow him. It can't hurt to check it out, surely?

He leads you through the bushes to an old fashioned police call box, and hurries inside. You follow him in, and are understandably shocked to find it's HUGE inside.

"Yeah, good isn't it?" he says, distracted, "Now, come on, down here."

He leads you through seemingly endless twisting hallways, chattering all the while.

"See, the thing with time travel is, now and again, sometimes it effects you weird. Everyone a bit different. Earth ladies they some times go a bit, well a lot, horny. Sex mad! And, well, not my sort of thing, it'd be improper, you know? So When one of my companions gets like that, I put them in this room that's sort of separate in time to the rest of the TARDIS. Things happen in a different order there. See, I've already seen you in there doing, you know, with lots of my previous companions. That's why I need you now. I know you'll do fine, cause I've seen you with the others, always wondered how I'd meet you. So then, here we are."

You've stopped outside a door that looks no different to the dozens of others you've passed. He opens the door and shoves you inside.

"Okay, meet Amy! Careful now, she's a lively one!"

You stagger into the big gloomy room, but don't have time to take in many of the no doubt fascinating details. Your attention is grabbed straight away by a tall, thin, *very* attractive redhead who is standing in front of you, visibly aroused and panting.

"About time," she says and steps towards you...


How does this all begin?

          Fast and Dirty, just the way Amy likes it


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