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Delights of Dark Magic | ZombieToph | 6


"Thank you for bringing my apprentice, Draco," hissed Voldemort from the seat of his throne. "You may leave now."

As Draco raised from his bow, Harry whispered to the blonde boy's ear, "I hope you enjoyed the view; you'll see much more of it soon."

The Malfoy heir said nothing in response, leaving Harry to smirk at his former rival as the door shut behind him.

"Now, my apprentice, this is a matter that I will not trust to any besides you...," Voldemort began, looking darkly upon his protege. "What you learn here today must not go beyond the two of us... or you will find your recreational activities severely lacking."

"I so swear that I shall not tell another living soul, master," Harry said, interested in what would be kept from even the Death Eater inner circle.

Voldemort nodded, "Very good. You may come forth!"

Out of the dark shadows of the room stepped forward a beautiful blonde woman... A woman Harry knew, or thought he knew, well.

Fleur Delacour smirked at the stunned apprentice, "You were correct, my Lord. Bill Weasley 'as taken over ze Order of ze Phoenix... and 'e still does not suspect a thing from 'is lovely fiancee."

"Lovely indeed," commented Voldemort, pleased with both the information and Harry's reaction. "So tell me, since my apprentice seems to have been stunned into silence... does the Order suspect that our Harry here has switched sides?"

"Zey 'ave no idea. I convinced Bill zat Harry be left to train at 'is new residence, and zat as long as daily, if somewhat forged, owls are received confirming 'is well being 'e need not fear the Fidelius 'as been broken."

"Excellent," hissed Voldemort. "Well, I shall leave you and Harry to talk to each other... Harry - Fleur is my top spy. Do not play too rough with her, I need her whole."

Fleur smiled at Harry, "It is good you picked the correct side, 'Arry. I did not like plotting against the savior of my sister."

"I can't believe you're one of us, Fleur," Harry exclaimed. "No one ever even thought to suspect you... Not even Bill and he lives with you for God's sake!"

Fleur laughed, moving close to Harry now, her breath tickling his neck "I 'ave played my part well. But my love is not with Bill, he is simply a tool to be used. ... Oh, 'Arry... I can smell it on you, ze Stallion... It 'as been so very long since I tasted its pleasures..."

Harry smirked at the gorgeous part-Veela, "Well Miss Delacour... would you like to go back to my room? I have some friends who wouldn't mind a beautiful woman such as yourself to have fun with... Or if you'd like... I notice that all the doors of this room are locked..."


Group fun or just for two?

          Just for Two


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