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A Sexy Day in Suburbia | slutnutz | 35


It had been just over 2 months since you hit that enter key, and your face became the poster child for Tyone’s website.

On average you wore fucking at least 2-3 times a day, although Tyrone let you have Sundays free.

You made more than enough money that you could afford your own place now, quite a fancy place too, inner city area, but on the border between the good and bad side of town. Today you planned on cleaning your apartment. With a grunt you pull the sheets off your bed, you pause for a moment and lift the sheets to your face, smelling them. Last night Tyrone and yourself had a marathon session and you liked to keep the bed clean.

You glance at the bedroom mirror and look at yourself. They always said sex is the best form of exercise, your once perfect body, was now firm and tight, muscle definition on your arms and legs, your abs wore tight. You wore wearing your favorite zipper sports top, showing your flat stomach to the world. Your lycra bike shorts wore riding up your rear tight, and your hair was tied back in a ponytail.

Just then you hear a beep and walk to your desk looking at your laptop.
Your heart skipped a bit.

Tyrone had been pushing you for a while now to do a fetish session, but this one you won’t looking forward too. Even with Dr Little’s pill they won’t a 100% protection. Tyron had booked you in for a ‘Milk bath’ as he liked to call it. But what it was a group session, where anything went, the guys could cum in you, in your hair, on your tits, on your feet. Leroy always wanted a chance to give you a ‘creampie’ but you often refused causing quite a few angry stares when he was around.

Just then two more ‘beeps’ come from your laptop, with 2 more emails.
One from your step dad, wanting to meet to discuss a private matter. This could mean anything, last time he asked for this he told me he wanted to marry your mom. The other email was from your best friend Jenna, wanting to meet up for a shopping session since you hadn’t kept in touch for a while.
You glance at all the emails and click ‘Reply’.

Which email do you reply to?

- Confirm the fetish session tomorrow
- Organize a time to meet your step dad
- Meet your friend for a shopping trip?


What do you organize for your day?


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