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Delights of Dark Magic | ZombieToph | 3


"I surmise by the smell in the room and the state of your servant that you have tasted the Stallion's Pride," asked Voldemort conversationally as he led Harry through a maze of twisting stone corridors.

Impressed by the deduction, Harry answered, "Yes I have. I suppose you are also aware of my dependency then?"

Voldemort chuckled, "Indeed. I myself once used the potion, many years ago, but my plans required the attention I could not give while under the effects. Yes, it was actually Severus Snape who created the first known antidote... an antidote he in fact begged to make after I had a late night 'torture' session with him."

A few months ago Harry would've gagged at the thought of Voldemort and Snape, but now he just laughed, "Oh poor Snivellus. No wonder he was such a tight ass at school."

Harry and Voldemort shared a genuine laugh at that, causing many shocked and disbelieving looks from the assorted Death Eaters in the War Room, which they had just entered.

Calming down, Voldemort introduced Harry to his Inner Circle - Narcissa Malfoy, Amycus and Alecto Carrow, Marcus Nott and an American, Malynda Samson.

"Now... to business," announced the Dark Lord, standing between Harry and Malynda, looking down at a map of Hogsmead. "Our original plan, my apprentice, was to infiltrate Hogsmead with a small strike team to capture you and bring you here... but seeing as you're here already we must move on to what was a secondary target - Luna Lovegood."

"Luna," Harry asked, confused. "Why would you want to capture her?"

Narcissa sniffed arrogantly, "The girl commands quite the following with that trash called the Quibbler... seeing as you brought the attention of the greater society to its drivel. We want the Quibbler on our side - the Prophet is already infiltrated - and holding the girl hostage would help us break Xenophilius to our designs."

"Well summarized, Narcissa," praised Voldemort. "So here's how we will do this..."

One month later...

A five-man strike team led by Amycus, including Harry, Crabbe Jr, Draco and Pansy arrive by portkey to the edge of Hogsmead, hidden along the path from Hogwarts, just outside the school's wards.

"Never thought I see you with us, Potter," hissed Draco, leering at Harry with undisguised suspicion. "Who knew that the Golden Boy would join the right side after all?"

Amycus promptly slapped the blonde upside his head, "Quiet, Draco! And need I ask him to remind you of what our Lord's apprentice is capable of? Would you like to learn what four weeks under the tutelage of the Dark Lord produces?"

Some how paling despite his already pale skin, Draco muttered a fearful apology to Harry, who smirked, enjoying the power he had over his old rival.

While waiting for the students to exit the castle, Harry pondered Draco... or more precisely, slowly undressed the blonde boy with his eyes, imagining bending the pureblood prince over a chair, thrusting deep inside that pale, smooth ass...

"Look," whispered Pansy, "they're leaving the castle now!"

"Eyes peeled for Lovegood," ordered Amycus, signalling the team to don their Invisibility Cloaks. Harry and Draco darted across to the other side of the path, Harry taking the opportunity to pinch Draco's butt, which caused the Malfoy heir to throw a disgusted look at an invisible Harry, would couldn't see Draco's face but definitely felt the look. Giggling to himself, Harry began scanning the crowd for Luna.

The students thundered on by, five Death Eaters furiously searching for their target, which had yet to present herself. Harry caught himself leering darkly at Ron and Hermione as they passed, promising himself they'd unite again soon... preferably in the dungeons of Voldemort's fortress, with them chained to the walls, naked, and with Harry holding the proverbial 'whip'.

Finally, just before Amycus decided to order a regroup, Luna appeared, trailing mercifully alone at the back end of the crowd, looking dreamily onward without the knowledge she was facing down five determined Dark wizards.

Five spells suddenly rent the air, screaming towards the Lovegood girl who didn't even have a chance to react as a Leg-Locker curse and a Stunner hit her, the other spells soaring by on either side on the chance she dodged the direct attack.

Harry shed his Cloak and smirked down at his former friend, "Oh, I'm going to have some fun with you..."

And with that five Death Eaters and one Hogwarts student portkeyed away from Hogsmead grounds.


What is Luna's fate?

          Sentenced to the Apprentice.


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