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Virtual Computer World | jackmackle | 5


After the table and lamp reappear in the real world. I went to pick them up and place them back into my apartment area. That was until when I swung the table after picking it up against the door fame and broke one of the legs clean off. I was upset and little pissed. I thought about my computer system for a moment and how it transported stuff into it and back out.

Then it hit me, should I tell the computer to recreate it. I went over to the controls and selected the table from the screen using the goggles and gloves. I told the system to transport this back to reality. After a few seconds a slight blinding flash of light. ‘This time less of a crackle sound’. A table appears in the cube. I inspected it for all the markings and scratches I had left over the years on the original one and a they were all there. A full carbon copy of the actual table. So I carefully took this table and place it into my apartment. I was about to take the old table that got damage to the trash. But then it hit me, I could just inform the computer to beam this in and store its matter in the containment unit. And so I did.

After thinking about it and how simple it could be just to store matter into the containment unit without putting it into the computer world I took a couple more weeks to program in safeguards. During this time I had tested it out seeing if I could put living objects into it. I first started with some simple insects. I didn’t want to try actual living animals, didn’t want to be cruel and see and animal die.

The insects were in the computer world and they were still moving around. So I brought them back out and released them in the back yard. I next then testing it on store bought pets from the pet shop. And once again they were moving around. I had to think for a second or two, and brought them back out. I added a few more lines of code. I mean thousand so that anything in there would not get hungry, feel hungry. However I did transport in food and lots of it. I program it so that you should be able to think of food and it should appear.

I transported the pets back into this computer world. I added a few more lines of code so that I am the only admin and that if anyone else enters it, they would be guest and appear in a special room where only after they are held for a bit before being put into the computer world. I also set it up so that I could exit it. I first created a room where I should appear with the same setup of my equipment, and exit procedures using that equipment. I also set it up to record a log of what happens and to monitor it. Lets enter this system.


First time in it.

          First Time in


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