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18-Year Old Bitch | dkburrows | 13


Listening vaguely to the men's voices Jessica rested on the counter, knowing she had to move but not wanting to. She'd had a number of sexual encounters that were rough but that might've taken the cake. Still, the cash register next to her was too tempting a target.

Groaning, she awkwardly rolled off the desk. Letting gravity do most of the work her knees thumped onto the rug behind the desk, making her wince at both the impact and the way it left her breasts pressed against the sharp edge of the old wooden desk.

Ignoring her own discomfort - and the leaking sensations, and the feeling of air blowing where the sun shouldn't shine - Jessica reached over to the cash register. Using her limited knowledge - gained from similar scenarios in the past where she'd seduced a cashier and robbed him while he cleaned up - she tapped a few keys, expecting the drawer to obligingly pop opn.

"What...? Come on you stupid thing, open up," she muttered, hitting the keys again. No matter how frantically, or how often she pressed the keys the register kept saying the same thing.


"Dammit," she groaned, sagging over the desk, her hand on one side of the register as she slumped forward in defeat. The weight of her body pressed her painfully forward against the desk, her large perfect orbs nearly bisected by the rough wooden edge of the desk.

"What're you doing?" Abe asked,voice low and dangerous, and her eyes widened frantically, wondering just how much he'd seen.

Desperately she grabbed the first thing her hands fell on.

"Just... looking... I've always loved these..." she exclaimed with a big fake smile as she held up....


What did she grab, and what's Abe's reaction?


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