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Sleepworkers | LordSomno | 8


Rob Carpenter was making himself bacon and eggs when his mother Sarah walked in. She wore a short robe and panties. She was British, and she kissed her son on the cheek.

"Smells wonderful, honey."

"Thanks, Mom. Should I put on some bangers for you?"

"Please. I'll get the paper."

Rob's father had left them just before Rob was born. Rob was now 16 and beginning to develop his own psionic powers, through the alien's transmissions.

It had started last night. He had watched his older sisters, in their nighties, leaving the house. They were followed by his naked Mother. He had watched women from all over town walk to the crash site. Had the two aliens been monitoring, they would have seen the teenager observing the work of the women of town and of the school.

"Your paper, sir." Sarah had worked as a maid when she was younger. Now, she ran a toy store. It had been left to her by her uncle, who wanted her to have a steady source of income.

His Mother was still quite sexy, and his sisters were as well. When he was younger, they had liked to tease him. He was 10 and they were 12, and already developing very nicely.

Just the thought of them teasing him like that made him angry and frustrated. Rob was the proverbial nice guy, and so never dated. He was too shy to ask girls out.

His headache came in again, very strong. Just like last night. It reached a peak and then.

Rob looked up. His mother stood there and was unbelting her robe. In fascination, he watched her open it and adjust it, so her own large breasts held it open.

"Do you want to get revenge against the girls now, Rob?" Her look was blank and her voice a breathy monotone.

"Yeah." he answered. This was completely incomprehensible.

"They shall be your slaves, Rob." She turned and headed back upstairs. Rob followed his entranced Mother. She was doing what he wanted her to do, yet he had given her no orders.

She led him to the bathroom and opened the door. Cara and Maria both stood there, nude. The bathtub was full of hot water.

"We must bathe Rob." they intoned together.

Sarah walked around and undressed her son. She slipped off her own robe as well. She led him into the tub and the two teens started bathing him.

"I must finish cooking breakfast in the nude." Sarah said as she exited.

As Rob was being bathed, he could feel his mind expanding. He could see all over the town now. Dr. Margaret Johnson was examining Miss Stacy McConnell, from the school. He could see them clothed, then in their undies, then nude. The examination became very erotic, yet both women treated it mundanely. The nurse, Miss Elaine Harris, walked in during the exam, and he could see in uniform, then in undies, then nude.

He wasn't sure how he knew who everyone was. He wasn't sure why he could see through women's clothes. He had no idea why he could see anywhere in town, even to Mayor Hubbard, getting a blowjob from his new young wife as a wake-up call.

Rob came about half-way through the bath. His sisters stopped bathing him and looked around.

"What in the world am I doing here?" asked Cara.

"What in the world am I doing?" asked Maria, as her huge breasts were pressed into Rob's back.

"You two must have been sleepwalking. You must have been dreaming you were bathing girls. That's why you are nude and bathing me."

"Yes, I remember the dream."

"Me too. Except I was bathing Cary Grant and not you."

"I was bathing Marlon Brando."

"Let's let 'Marlon' finish his bath in peace."

The two nude girls left as a voice came from downstairs.

"Girls, could one of you find my robe? It accidentally fell off somewhere in the house."

"It's in the bathroom, Mom." said Rob.

"Fine, I'll come up and get it."

Sarah came up the stairs and entered the bathroom. "There it is." She slipped it on. "Better hurry, your eggs will get cold."

Rob had taken over his family, and several women in town. He had no idea how he had done it or how he could do it again. But things would continue to happen to women all over town that day, and they wouldn't remember a thing...


What happens elsewhere in town?

          Dan's watching the girls...


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