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U.S.S. Ishtar | android1966 | 3


Turning back to my console I saw that the proximity alarm had detected another vessel. I quickly ran a series of scans and reported my findings to the captain.

"There is a small vessel adrift within the system, the scans show no lifeforms and minimal life support. "

The captain nodded. "Take us to within 1000 kilometres. Lieutenant Dorfmann, Dr Akira, Ensign Davis and a security detail report to transporter room one and board when ready. "

I ceded my seat to another crew member and hurried to the turbolift. Exiting at the required deck I was met by lieutenant Dorfmann and the security detail. The detail comprised of crew member Jefferson, who was tall, slim and ebony skinned and crew member Tilloth. Tilloth was the ship's only Andorian. Small compared to humans, she was barely 5 foot tall with sky blue skin and ash white hair. A pair of small antenna sprouted from her forehead and constantly twitched and turned. The series of wars between the Vulcans and Andorians had been over for more than two centuries now, but there was still a lingering coolness in relations between the two species (despite their both being Federation members).

The two security personnel were checking their phaser rifles as they walked. The lieutenant handed me a science tricorder and a hand phaser. We made our way to the transporter room and as we arrived Doctor Akira appeared from the opposite direction. We took our places on the transporter pads.

"Ready?" the lieutenant asked.

We all nodded our affirmative.

"Energise," Dorfmann said to the engineering officer manning the transporter controls.

My view shimmered then returned and we were standing on the deck of the alien ship. A few metres from us a body lay on the deck. The doctor used her medical tricorder to scan the corpse.

"Humanoid, male. Deceased about two days, cause of death an energy weapon discharge to the chest. " The doctor reported.

I had been running my own tricorder sweep. "No lifeforms detected. It appears this is a small passenger ship of three decks, the bridge is approximately 100 metres ahead. "

"Ensign Davis, Doctor Akira, make your way to the bridge and see if you can access the ships computers or logs," the lieutenant ordered. "I'll take the security team and sweep the rest of the ship."

The doctor and I walked to the bridge passing more corpses slain by weapon fire. Numerous blast marks on the walls told the tale of a desperate running battle through the ship's corridors. It was an ugly scene - the only positive thing about it was that the carnage had momentarily taken my mind off anything sexual.

We entered the bridge cautiously, hand phasers at the ready, but it was immediately clear that only the dead remained. Six bodies lay sprawled across the deck. The doctor began to take detailed recordings of the alien dead whilst I attempted to recover data from the bridge consoles. It was soon apparent that the boarders had looted many of the ship's controls. Both the navigation and the fire control system had been removed. The main computer terminal was also missing, though I had better luck with communications. I retrieved the last message sent and as logic predicted it was a call for help from the time of the attack. An image of the alien captain appeared on the communication screen.

"This is the passenger vessel Bil'ba calling any ships in the vicinity. We are under attack by Sondar raiders. We urgently need assistance." The fear in the captain's voice was obvious as the ship lurched under the impact of the raiders fire.

"Shields are failing Captain... they're down!" a crewman called out.

I watched as a boarding party materialised on the bridge clad in battle armour. Without any attempt at offering quarter they cut down the bridge crew in a fusillade of fire. As the image abruptly ended Lieutenant Dorfmann entered the bridge.

"We searched the ship and found around forty dead," Dorfmann informed us. "Many of the ship's systems and components appear to have been taken. "

I made my report. "The ship was attacked by a race called the Sondar, however I have been unable to glean any information on them or the race that ran this craft due to the computer terminal having been removed."

"The terminal in engineering is still intact. See if you can access main records from there," the lieutenant commanded me. "Gather as much information as you can on the Sondar and if possible find out how to contact the species that own this ship. We should tell them what has happened so they can recover their dead and salvage the vessel."

I went quickly to engineering and was surprised to find it deserted. Then I heard muffled noises coming from an open doorway leading off the main room. I approached cautiously and peeked inside. Tilloth and Jefferson were in a tight embrace in a corner of the small storeroom. Tilloth's hand was thrust down the front of her uniform pants and the other was inside Jefferson's. Both hands moved urgently, their purpose unmistakable. Jefferson was bent over so her lips met those of the petite Andorian's, her hand grasped the back of Tilloth's neck pulling her into their passionate kiss. Jefferson's other hand was pushing up Tilloth's tunic till it was bunched up above her breasts.

Despite my antipathy towards Andorians I was forced to admit to myself that Tilloth's pair were perfectly to my tastes; about the size of large grapefruit and wonderfully firm, with dark blue aureola and thick nipples slightly upturned. Once Tilloth's breasts were exposed, Jefferson began to fondle them and pluck at a stiffened nipple with her fingers eliciting a low moan and a quivering of the Andorran's antenna.

I felt my already semi erect cock twitch and begin to lengthen and stiffen at the sight of these two beautiful women's lust for each other.


Should Skylar interrupt?

          Let them continue.


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