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Time Calls | kabundan | 4


Keeping as quiet as possible so that she wasn't noticed Jessica snook back into the house and up to her bedroom unnoticed. Proceeding to her bed she ripped open the package to find a small device that looked like a hi-tech stopwatch. This had several buttons on it. On pressing the 1st one everything around seemed to become quiet. Her mother had been cooking and cleaning downstairs and all noise from this suddenly stopped as did the radio her mother had been listening to how strange. Should Jessica go outside to investigate or possibly look in on her mother as far as she was aware her sister had already left for work for the day. Her sister Natasha was older than Jessica in her mid twenties and worked as a secretary for a newspaper company.


What does Jessica decide to do?

          Go and have a look around Natasha's room (she was never allowed in there)


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