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Time Calls | kabundan | 4


“Fine I’ll take the spanking” cried out Jessica walking through the kitchen and lowering herself onto her mothers lap.

Reaching down Mrs Spurling took the hem of Jessica’s skirt and raised it up her ass to her hips revealing Jessica’s regulation white cotton panties and sliding these down her hips to reveal Jessica’s bare ass, Jessica braced herself but the pain didn’t come instead she heard a draw opening as her mother was retreaving her new wooden paddle that Jessica wasn’t aware of and immediately tried to get up but found she was held firmly in place by a hand on her back.

SMACK!!! went the paddle as Mrs Spurling put all of her force into making Jessica regret what she had done. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK!!!

It seemed to go on for ever but did eventually end after 30 or so paddlings. Jessica winced as she fell off her mothers lap crying.


Is Jessica allowed to go now she has received her punishment?

          Jessica at home


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