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Time Calls | kabundan | 2


Jessica approached the gate peeled away the tape and found a small device that looked like a hi-tech stopwatch that had several buttons on it. On pressing the 1st one everything around seemed to become quiet. Looking out along the street she saw people frozen in place doing whatever they were when she had pushed the button. In next doors garden the family had been playing Frisbee and the disc was frozen in mid air between them. As an experiment she walked over and repositioned the disc a metre to the right then pushed the button again. On pressing the button noise came back to the world and the disc carried on moving as it had been before she had stopped time only from one metre to the right. The cause of this was that Mrs Irving from next door lunged wildly trying to catch it and fell on her backside her dress crumpling up around her revealing lacy red and black thong panties.


Jessica wondered if the bra matched the panties and she had the power to investigate but should she?

          Option 1:1 Freeze time and remove Mrs Irving’s Dress

          Leave family giggling and go to school

          Try another button

          To school!


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