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Time Calls | kabundan | 1


It was an ordinary day for Jessica Spurling get up dress in the strict school uniform with practical white bra and panties, sensible grey skirt and white blouse with blazer; then watch her favourite anime series before heading out to school and as always she timed it just right. Shouting goodbye to her mum and sister she set off (their father had left them for another woman some years earlier). Walking down the garden on the way to the bus she noticed that something was taped to the gate.


What does Jessica do?

          Option 1: Peel the tape away and find out what’s hidden under it.

          Option 2: Ignore package, continue to school afraid of being late, this package could be dangerous?

          Option 3: Ignore the package decide to cut class and stay at home

          Option 4: Something causes a delay.


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