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Doctor Who and the Temple of Voluptas | Erosword | 2


As the Doctor and Rose run into the TARDIS lazers shooting hot behind them as the Doctor and Rose slam the door close. Leaning up against it with their backs both gasping for air.

A man in his twentys comes out from under the TARDIS controls with gress ,gress stuff and ooze all over him as if he has been working on the controls the with a gress gun and some other stuff you don't wont to know.

"So did either of you get the part I need or were the two of you just out haveing fun?" He asks not looking realy worried by the two at the door.

"As my mechanic for the TARDIS I would think you would have more concern if we are all right but yes her it is will you be able to get the TARDIS working right?" Asks the Doctor tossing a strange object to the guy.

"Yep with this puppy ypu can even see your other selfs and comains. Not to metion a few worlds that you could not go to before though I will need some things when we get there. So where do you two want to go in space and time?" Says Joe the TARDIS Mechanic with a smile on his face.


Where dose the Doctor pick in all of space and time?


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