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Dreams of a Lusty Maze | zombietoph | 4


You decide to follow the path that leads towards far off mountains, worming your way through the winding path, rocky cliffs scaling each side. As before it is difficult to find you way, but after many dead ends, roundabouts and confusing forks in the road you find yourself...

... looking across a vast, clear blue, pristine mountain lake.

A waterfall cascades down far to the east, just far enough to dull the thunderous sound, and you can barely see a small town of huts on the far side of the water, sitting at the foot of a tall mountain, caped in snow.

It is obvious you're supposed to cross the lake to get the the mountain, but do you dare swim, knowing the dangers of the Maze? You dip a foot into the lake, finding the water cold but not unpleasant.

"Well hello there," speaks a sensual voice, startling you.

A beautiful young woman, of about your age it seems, is smiling at you from a rock just about a stone's throw away, her upper body resting on the smooth rock's surface, nude and exposing two perky, round breasts.

Dumbfounded by her beauty, you blurt out, "Are you a mermaid?"

She laughs, a tinkling, sweet sound to caress your ears, and you find yourself knee deep into the lake, to be closer to such a beautiful vision.

"Do you wish to cross my lake," she asks, smiling and ignoring your own question.

Why would you want to cross the lake? What's there beyond the lake but more of the Maze, more trials, confusion, an eternity of stumbling in the dark...

"I do... or I did," you answer her, chest deep in the waters now, staring into her beautiful eyes, entranced by her perfection. "You're very beautiful, milady."

That's an odd thing for you to say. Why did you say that, how stupid you must sound!

But the gorgeous girl just laughs again, "Oh, you're sweet! Would you like to swim with me for awhile? We could go to that waterfall over there, it would be so romantic!"

How can you say no? The next moment you find yourself paddling along next to her, admiring how easily and gracefully she glided through the waters, never having to use her arms, but simply smiling at you while you conversed, with that so pure and innocent face.

Faster than you thought it'd be, you make it to the waterfall, its thunderously loud, but the girl is so close to you now... so close that her perky breasts push against your chest... so close that you can see the water droplets in her eyelashes as her eyes shut... so close that as her lips softly press against yours that her legs easily wrap around your waist as your oh-so hard penis is thrust inside her and you begin to make love as if you were made to do this...

The water has risen above your head, you should be drowning, but you can't break away from the girl, you don't want to break this amazing kiss, this blissful love-making, so you fall to the depths, darkness enshrouds the world around you as the sunlight from above fails to penetrate the deepness of the lake and an eerie sickly green light begins to shine below you...

She suddenly breaks your embrace, shocking your eyes open - and you recoil in horror at what you see!

Before you is not the image of divine beauty from above the surface; her skin is scaly and green, hair made of gathered seaweed, her torso is very long and sports no less than four pairs of breasts, and her legs are gone, replaced by a seemingly endless, serpentine tail that extends off into the darkness.

"Welcome to my lair, slave," she spits at you, reaching with one of her six arms to wrestle you down!


Can you escape?



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