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The Hardon Life | DruulEmpire | 7


It's gotten to be a slightly chilly and overcast weekday afternoon, and though the weather reports all say there will be at most just a misty drizzle at best, the pool is seeing very little action, which is fine by you under the circumstances. You're up on your tower, with a book and a towel, and you figure that with any luck you can just ease through the day and then just ease on out of there.

You see a family vacating the pool, leaving it momentarily empty, when Linda wanders over to you. "Hey, Nick," she greets you. "I see not even Beverly or Rose made it out here today."

"Yeah, I don't suppose we could knock off early?"

"Dream on. Not today. I just got a call. It sounds like some big contest wrapped up near here, and some of the contestants have decided to come over here and take a dip, I guess as kind of a consolation prize."

"Contest? Never heard of it."

"It was a Zoomers Girls contest."

You suppress a chuckle. Zoomers is the infamous restaurant chain with girls in T-shirts with artwork suggestive of sports cars, the cars' headlights just happening to match the "headlights" of the girls in blatant symbolism. You've always liked the idea of Zoomers but checked it out a couple of times and figured that it was all a lot of hype, that maybe if you were lucky you got to meet one reasonably pretty waitress but not much more than that.

Linda cocks her head. "You don't seem interested."

"I've seen Zoomers girls," you grumble. "Bring 'em on."

before you know it, however, the gaggle of girls show up -- and you are very quietly yet deeply impressed. These, you wonder, were the ones who didn't win? The contest would definitely bear some checking up on. All the girls were lovely, hard-bodied, and clearly sported serious pairs of "headlights."

As they frolic in the pool, you realize you're coming loose down there, and quickly adjust your towel. Great, you think, that's all I need, to be exposed as just some perv. Luckily, the girls all seem to know how to handle themselves in water. Under your towel your erection is stabbing out beyond your trunks, but you figure you can manage that somehow when the pool finally closes.

You figure you're doing pretty well -- when a voice startles you on your left. "Hi!"

You shift slightly. One of the girls has clambered directly up the side of your tower to talk to you. "Oh, hi there." You're struck by how lovely the girl is. "I'm Nick."

"Hi, Nick, I'm Zoe -- Oh my!"

It has happened. Your startled reaction caused your towel to slip away, and Zoe is staring right at your exposed erection.

You calmly camouflage yourself once more. "I'm so sorry -- today is so crazy for me -- "

"Us girls did that to you?" Zoe marvels. "Whoa ... talk about paying a girl a compliment ... !"

You begin to get the idea that Zoe may be relatively "cool." "Listen," you murmur, "if we could just never say anything about this ... "

"It'll cost you," she decides.

Oh, hell. "What?"

"When I'm done swimming I'd like to take you out on a date."

It takes you a few seconds to catch up with this rush of planning. "Ah ... is there any kind of restaurant you like -- "

"Why don't I take you back to my place and I'll cook for you? I'm a great cook." She grins gloriously. "So nice to meet you, Nick!"

With so much to look forward to, the pool closes before you know it.




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