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Cirece McDonald's Farm | Erosword | 2


Alot of people showed up at Cerice's farm makeing her let out long heave sigh. Which makes her huge breasts heave as she takes in air lets it out again each time. She shacks her ehad from side to side so much work to do an now she has to deal with all these people. Animales are what she is great at this bunch will only be a pain.

Cerice puts on her best hottest looking face and goes to see the group out side. With a smile that would make a blind man horny and turn even a woman on.

"Welcome to my farm I have all kinds of animals here for all you city focks to look at and enjoy. If watching animals in heat turns you on I a some places for those who want to see if they can mach what thay saw with their loved one. Just make sure the animal in you don't get the best of you while you are all haveing so much fun." Cerice says with a grin on her face as she leads the crowd around her farm knowing she would have more livestoke than humans by the time she was done.


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