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Your Personal Fairy Tale | LoganDirth | 2


Pick Your Hero:
Which Gallant Hero Will You Set Forth To Win The Maiden's Heart?

Sir Gareth The Bold: King Feldrigan threatens his father's reign and the Kingdom of Dobi will fall if Sir Gareth is unable to defeat the enemy forces. Badly outnumbered he will need to seek for a cleaver method of securing victory or all is lost.

Tall, strong and dashing. You have blonde hair, chiseled and sculpted muscles and a jaw so hard it could be used to crush rocks. A champion warrior and gallant doer of great deeds... your typical Knight in Shining Armor or Prince Charming.

Myp the Misunderstood: A vagabond and tramp... a traveler and bard... a hero? Maybe. Myp was recently press ganged into the Royal Navy of Estmoore and is struggling to survive the harsh life at see. He wonders if he might able to get away or perhaps even take the ship for himself.

Smallish and agile. You have short black hair and wear rags. You are fleet of foot, quick of tongue and have a certain... way with the ladies. Your typical Aladdin.

The Ranger Knorn: One of the last elves in all the world you wander the wilds of the world trying to do your best to protect the innocent of the world. In the hopeless search for more of your kind you have discovered a remote island where the elves may still live.

A skillful and powerful man. You have short white hair and hawk-like features. Skilled at archery and magic, none can match you in the wilderness. With your rare elven blood and magical abilities you are quite the Exotic Prince.


Which Hero Do You Choose?

          Sir Gareth The Bold - Prince Charming

          Myp the Misunderstood - The Prince of Thieves


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