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Private School Teacher | ronin8 | 5


The first class of the day takes their seats, already murmuring at the change in instructor. Looking over your notes and information, you lean against your desk, a clipboard in hand.

"Okay, ladies, please settle down. Due to.... unforeseen personnel issues, I'll be taking over the sex education classes, at least temporarily. I'm aware of what you've covered already, and we'll be continuing from there. There's just a few things I need to take care of before we start. First is a checklist. These questions are very personal, but I need everyone to be absolutely honest.

"First, who here has never had a sexual encounter of any kind?" Two hands pop up. "Thank you, and as a follow-up, is that due to a religious belief or influence?" Both girls shake their heads, and you make the necessary marks.

"Second, who here considers themselves heterosexual?" The same two hands pop up. "Homosexual, and I point out that nobody is here to judge anybody?" Four hands pop up. "Bisexual?" Everyone else's hands raise - not a great surprise.

"Who here is considers herself to currently be sexually active?" A few hands raise.

"Who here has had sexual relations with a male?" Only three hands raise.

"Who here is currently on some form of birth control?" All but the two virgins and one other girl show hands. You make notes.

"Are any of you shy or nervous about the possibility of being naked in front of your peers, or of the possibility of sexual activity in front of said peers?" Only one hand comes up, from one of the virgins. You make a note for that column in the checklist and remind yourself to talk to her privately after class.

"Alright, last question: Is anyone here unfamiliar with the use of sexual aids such as vibrators?" Nobody raises a hand.

"Good. Now, for the next part, and the reason behind the question. You all adhere to a strict dress code every day. In this class, that dress code changes. For the rest of the semester, this class is held.... naked." You hear a few gasps from the students and hold up a hand for silence.

"That does not exclude the instructor. So yes, I'll be naked in here, as well. The altered dress code is the reason you signed those waivers at the beginning of the semester, and the reason that no student under the age of eighteen is allowed to take this course." As you speak, you drop your pants and remove your shirt. You're working hard to keep your voice even and your cock under control, but it peeks through your boxers, anyway, before you have a chance to remove them.

"You'll notice the black paper over the window in the door, and you'll notice that this class is held on the uppermost floor of the building and faces away from any other potential views. This is to protect your privacy during these next few intimate weeks. So ladies, please come to the proper dress code now."

The flurry of movement and high-pitched giggles fill the room as the girls strip down. In minutes, you have an eyeful of beautiful teenaged tits and a great view of a variety of pussies in the front row.

"Now, today is just a comfort-zone session to make sure everyone is fine with the way this class is going to continue, so we're not going to go too deeply into anything." You pause, looking down at your erection. "It should be obvious to everyone that I'm going to enjoy this class. I hope everyone else does, too. I'll also point out that tomorrow the desks will be gone and we'll be conducting the class on a number of mattresses and very plush cushions." A few of the girls look relieved by that.

You notice one of the girls looks a little more relieved than the rest. Shifting a little to your right, you see exactly why - she's masturbating in her chair.

"Amanda's already getting ahead of me, it seems," you say, pointing it out. A few of the girls gasp in surprise, and Amanda turns bright red. "Masturbation is perfectly natural, and I expect that all of you should indulge yourselves if you feel the need. Is anyone here /not/ sexually aroused?" Your question is answered with silence.

"Okay, then. For the rest of this class, I want all of you to masturbate until you achieve at least one orgasm." Satisfied with the instruction, you watch as the girls finger themselves. Two apparently came prepared, and you see two redheads take out small vibrators and make full use of them.

"Mr..... ? How do men masturbate?" Amanda asks the question, and you reply by sitting on the desk and taking your pole in hand. You jack off in front of the girls as they hit their climaxes.

The girls' eyes are on you as you hit your peak and explode, sending a stream of jizz across the entire distance between your desk and the students'. The first blast lands on the floor between two girls in the front row. The second lands in line with their feet; the rest dribble out in a pool on the floor.

Panting heavily, you glance at the clock. "Okay, girls, there's about five minutes left. So please clean up and get dressed. Everyone looking forward to tomorrow?" A chorus of cheers meet your ears, and you smile.

You fish out a handkerchief and clean yourself up before getting dressed again. The bell rings and the girls file out, waving at you and smiling. Two of the girls flash their tight asses as they pass.

You stop the one girl who raised her hand about being nervous about nudity or sex in front of the class as she passes. Since she's the last one in the line, it causes her no real embarrassment.

"Nikki, I just want to ask you about the question you answered. It's nothing against you, but I need to know why you answered the way you did so I can help you be comfortable with this class."


Her response? Or not enough time?

          Meet later


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