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Private School Teacher | ronin8 | 4


"That's the reason I'm here," she says. Her face is all business. "We had to let Rita Moralez go today. Turns out she was selling 'illegal substances' to the students and making alcohol purchases for them. That leaves us in a lurch, and we need to shuffle a few people around to pick up the slack until we can hire someone to take her place."

You feel bad for a moment. Rita had been one of the hottest of the hot among the school's teachers, a fiery Latina who had sucked your cock and fucked you senseless your first day on the job. You'd gone to her for some occasional casual fucks ever since.

"So what do you need me to do? I'm in the English Department, she dealt with Health."

"We've been reviewing everyone's resumes, and your student teaching included a long stint working under a sex education class. Which is, sad to say, more experience than anyone else in the building in that regard. So would you be willing to take up the sex education classes? We've already figured out how to shuffle things around to compensate if you do. You'll have three classes to teach each day, plus your other four in the English Department. And yes, there will be a pay increase for the duration."

You mull it over for a few minutes, realizing you'd be teaching up to sixty girls everything you know about sex. You hope the throbbing at your groin isn't too obvious.

"Alright. But it's the middle of the semester. What's already been covered?"

"I have all the relevant paperwork and waivers here," Courtney says, producing a folder. Glancing through, you realize the waivers state that all students in the sex-education class must be eighteen, due to sexually-explicit subjects. Looking further through the lesson plans and the syllabus, you learn that the class has dealt with everything the book was used for, and is about to start a segment on sexual practice that lasts the rest of the semester. From the requisition forms, the class gets into deep detail on the subject of sex.

"The school board doesn't know much about the actual details of the class," Courtney adds in a conspiratorial tone. "And I wouldn't ordinarily ask one of the male staff to do this, but we're in a serious bind. Can I trust you to stick to the syllabus and deal with everything in a professional manner?" You wonder if she's even looked at the information here as you find a requisition form for three strap-on dildos, marked as approved. Your penis screams the answer to your lips.

"Yeah, I'll do it."

"Good. You'll start tomorrow, first period."


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