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Venus Needs Men! | raiden132 | 2


Shane was wondering if he should rejoice or cry.Sex slaves!For God's sake he didn't want to be one.Though there was no denying that women from venus were freaking HOT if the woman he saw was a prime example of female life.

suddenly the cube cracked and the ivs connected to him slipped out of his skin as the goo on his body fell to the floor.FREEDOM!.Shane wasted no time and got up from the cold,hard floor.Freedom called and he wasn't going to miss it.After getting his body function in order he started running to the door.

"I'M BLOWING THIS SHIT HOLE!.shane shouted.Just as he reached the door it opened to reveal a sight not seen in the human world."There is a god"shane whispered reverentl,shocked at the sight before him.


what does shane see?

          Three Hotties.


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