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Tame or Wild? Princess Leia, Female Rebel | bungakawa2000 | 4


Chewbacca was visibly happy to bet, but being the drunkest of the lot - though not by much -, he took an unusually long time to answer. Eager to start playing again, Leia interrupted his reflection. "Can I place my bet first or what? I don't have all night.
-Go ahead, Princess, said Han. What kind of trinket does a woman like you carry around?
-None, if you must know. So, I was thinking that, instead, if I won..." Though she strived to keep a severe look on her face, it was obvious she could barely refrain from laughing gleefully. "If I won, I dare him to have his back shaved to the skin!"

Chewbacca's reaction took her completely by surprise. The wookiee jumped to his feet with a terrible roar. Had she been sitting next to him, he would certainly have knocked her off. Han startled and hurriedly tried to calm down his copilot who was gesturing wildly and making drunken threats to Leia. Taken aback by his ferocious attitude, she wondered what she had said that was so revolting. At most, she found her wager funny, if unusual!

When the wookiee had finally agreed to lower his tone a little, Han turned to Leia with a spark of anger in his eye. "What the hell are you trying to achieve, Princess? If it's being ripped apart by an angry wookiee, you're on the right way.
-It's just a game! protested Leia. Would you throw such a tantrum if you were dared to shave your head?
-Uh hu, that's a pretty bad comparison, Princess. A wookiee's fur is his identity and pride. It'd be as if you dared a human to... to..." Chewbacca interrupted him with a low, very carefully modulated growl. "Yes Chewie, but I'm trying to spare His Highness ears a little.
-Oh please, said Leia. There is nothing I haven't heard already. If his comparison is accurate, then I want to hear it.
-Well Princess, in that case, said Han before breaking it out. It's as if he had dared you to be fucked up the ass."

Leia's blood began to boil. "What?! she yelled as she pushed back her seat. How dare this hairy creature bet something this disgusting?!
-Hold on now, that was just a comparison!" Han protested, raising his hands. Chewbacca roared. "Ok, it's a bet now," he sighed.
-What kind of cheap slut do you mistake me for?! I could have both of you arrested for gross indecency.
-Wait a minute! said Han, jumping back. I told you already, I'm just the messenger! It's his stupid bet, not mine!" Chewbacca snorted angrily and Han turned to his friend "Well at least you could offer to forfeit the game then! I'm not looking forward to spend my life in a cell on this frozen ball of ice!
-I cannot accept a forfeit in such a tight game! protested Leia.
-Now you're not making any sense..."

Leia put her face in her hands. No, she was not making sense. She did not want to risk something as sick as a possibly painful anal intrusion, yet she could not bring herself to drop the matter. Besides, she knew she was drunk now, despite her weak attempts to avoid going overboard. She could not recall the last time she had drunk that much... Between her fingers, she watched Chewbacca argue with Han. She did not know what an aroused wookiee looked like and she didn't want to find out... No, it wasn't totally true, she was curious like any woman would be, but... No, not enough to give it a try... and certainly not through the "back door"... Yet she could not just walk out of the game! She had never played so well, and besides, if she'd do it, she'd wonder for the rest of her life if she could have won...

Not totally convinced she was doing the right thing, Leia sat back on her stool. She grabbed the bottle and proposed a toast. "To your demise!" she said, her eyes fixed unwavering on Chewbacca as she took another draught of liquor - "the last one!" she promised herself.

The wookiee immediately grabbed his own stool and sat back at the table, eager to get this over with. The air felt tense and heavy, as if a storm was about to break. This time, Han seemed very interested in their battle. He didn't utter a single word but followed every move even more closely than the two players. "Pervert..." thought Leia, though she could not tell whether he feared or awaited Chewbacca's victory.

The polase board remained evenly dominated for many more moves but her opponent still had an ace up its sleeve: in a win-or-lose move, he concentrated all of his firepower against a few of Leia's pieces. Her defenses were strong, but too spread out to allow her to counteract Chewbacca's actions. From the moment he put a foot within her territory, Leia knew she was doomed. Her hold on the game withered slowly, but irrevocably.

Leia's last figurine was ultimately defeated. Chewbacca thew his hands to the sky in triumph, his adversary flabbergasted at the trouble she had put herself into.


Will Leia try to weasel her way out of it or will she accept the consequences of her demise?


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