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Dreams of a Lusty Maze | zombietoph | 3


Despite every fiber of your being screaming at you to struggle, you go limp in the gasp of the vine-tentacles, hoping they would at the very least have their way with you and set you back down.

Almost immediately the vines slow down, becoming less aggressive in their movements, now carefully removing your clothes and exposing you to the chilled air.

Three vines wrap their sticky shafts around your erect penis, lightly squeezing while stroking up and down; you prove your encouragement of the vines' treatment by massaging the tips of each binding your wrists - they seem to respond in delight, caressing every bit of your body they could reach...

Suddenly you notice that they have pulled you to the top of the blue wall, draping your body over the thin roof, waist-down on the side where the vines bound you, looking down you see a sheer drop and the path of the Maze continues.

The vines begin to speed up and you moan on the one pumping down your throat as your orgasm impregnates the leafy wall, seemingly to cause all the vines to shiver in pleasure.

"Oh god," you moan aloud as your mouth is freed - your waist seems to have been pulled into the wall and something very tight, very moist and very warm is sucking on your sensitive penis, milking ever more sperm from your testicles.

A lone vine gently probes your anus, as if asking permission - hazy from your on going orgasm you subconsciously spread your legs slightly and it takes its chance, plunging deep inside you, causing yet another eruption of cum into the sucking vine-wall.

It seems to go on forever - the wall continuously milking you, vine after vine exploring your ass, until finally the wall seems satisfied and you are gently lowered down to the other side... where you lay for quite awhile, in a post-orgasmic daze.

"Well, well," spoke a soft female voice. "I'm impressed . Melody seems really happy with you."

Looking up you behold a stunningly beautiful teenage girl wearing a cute sundress; she's smiling down at you, her hand caressing the now pink-colored wall. After a moment you recognize her - the little girl from the Entrance!

"Melody," you manage to ask, still exhausted from your experience.

The girl smiles, "Yes, that's the name of the woman you just gave your seed to. Melody is the wall, you see. And its not often that she gets all pink like this... she must really love you, ."

Still not quite understanding how a wall named Melody could 'love' you, you stand up, checking for your clothes... and not finding them.

The girl giggles, "You don't need those clothes anymore, silly," as if reading your thoughts. "You have so much more to go before you reach the End... being naked the rest of the way is more fun, no?"

And before you could deny such a claim she turned and literally walked through the pink wall... her sundress left behind as it fell off her body.

Doing your best to ignore the thoughts of a beautiful eighteen year old girl walking nude around the Maze, you press onward, without clothes and without any clear idea of where you were going...

Eventually, after much turning, twisting, dead ends and wrap arounds you find yourself facing a fork - the way forward continuing to follow the grassy, hedge theme and the left path taking a rocky, cliff look.


Cliff path or Hedge path?

          Hedge path.

          Cliff path


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