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Labyrinth of Lust | spentbob | 7


You leave the strange wall behind before things get any weirder, and press on down the passageway. The walls soon shift back to ordinary stone, which starts getting wetter and slimier, until you're walking between two dark, dripping, slime spattered crumbling old brick walls, each about twelve feet tall. Above you, the sky is covered with heavy gray clouds, and the floor of the passage is wet and muddy, covered in puddles and branches and rubble, becoming increasingly difficult to walk on.

The narrow crumbling passageway seems to go on forever, and you stumble down it for what feels like hours, getting wearier and wearier. Eventually, you spot a figure coming towards you. Glad to see another living being, you hurry up to her and shout a greeting.

It looks like a woman, dressed in an old fashioned dress, one of those ones that were built to balloon out absurdly at the waist, making it look like her hips and ass are so wide, they fill the passageway from wall to wall. The dress is made of a somewhat slimy looking brown leather, and she wears a wide brimmed hat of the same material and, oddly, a pair of goggles, made of the same brown leather with lenses of thick orange glass.

There's a veil of moldy looking lace hanging from the hat obscuring the parts of her face the goggles don't, but from what you can see, she looks pretty, with smooth pale skin and plump, pouty lips.

"Hello," she says in smooth, silky tones, "Oh my, it looks like we're at an impasse."

She's right - her dress is so wide, she fully blocks the passageway - you'd have to squeeze around her if you want to keep going. But she's smiling strangely, and moving towards you. There's something strangely heavy about her dress - the hem of it seems to be pressing down on the ground, flattering everything before her as she moves slowly but steadily towards you...


Run, try talking more or try to squeeze past her?

          Try to squeeze past her


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