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Krystal in Serving in Hell's Harems | kmwnname | 11


“For Garkon’s sake, Caitlin! Do you really think I’m that dumb?” Steve thoughtsaid in exasperation. “Trying to sabotage the new girl already? Yeesh, you can be a real conniving bitch sometimes.” He continued. Caitlin wasn’t surprised by Steve’s reaction and Krystal now saw a predatory glint in the younger girl’s eyes that wasn’t evident before.

“Hey Stevie, can’t blame a girl for trying. I’ve got to protect my spot. And I had Cow Tits here right where I wanted her.” Caitlin said as she went up to Krystal and roughly grabbed her boobs. Krystal’s shock at Caitlin’s deceit had momentarily stunned the new slave girl, but this shook Krystal out of her stupor. She roughly pushed the younger girl, causing Caitlin to fall back onto her bed.

“What the fuck’s wrong with you?” Krystal shouted, hurt that she’d been manipulated by someone she thought was a friend. Caitlin just giggled, and started to roughly masturbate. “Oh yeah Cow Tits! Lick up my girlcum, you like that don’t you? You like being Caitlin’s pet slut!” Caitlin shouted in ecstasy, staring at Krystal the whole time.

“Come on, leave the psycho to jill herself off.” Steve said shepherding Krystal out the room. Even from behind the door, they could still hear Caitlin’s cries of imaginary sexual domination. Krystal was torn, she was furious at how she’d been taken advantage of but she could still feel a small part of her that wanted to go back into Caitlin’s room and perform the depraved sexual acts Caitlin was screaming about.

“Between her and the other psycho Anna, you’ve just walked into a powderkeg.” Steve said as he guided Krystal through to Lord Garkon’s chambers. “At least, this means the little bitch sees you as a threat.” “I don’t get it, what do you mean?” Krystal asked back. “Caitlin and Anna are at war, both competing to be Lord Garkon’s number one concubine. It’s well known that Lord Garkon will choose a queen soon and both of them will kill to win the crown.” Steve answered as they approached the chamber door.

“Caitlin probably thought she was going to break you tonight, take you out of the running and turn you into her pet. She’s crafty, much more so than Anna. Be on the lookout for her.” Steve continued. “But she seemed so innocent,” Krystal said, still very confused.

“She seems innocent, but she’s a hellcat. The only human female I know of who broke into hell herself. She went all around hell, playing the innocent schoolgirl act. Teasing all the demons into a frenzy. She had all the big players after her. Shravra, General Adijah, The Minotaur King, Dorza and even The Fallen. She almost turned the ongoing cold war for supremacy of hell into a hot one. The slut ended up choosing Lord Garkon, she said because she wanted to be his slave and that he’s the most powerful helllord has nothing to do with it. Which of course only our great and mighty Lord believes. Be careful around her.” Steve said with a hint of bitterness at the end of his tale.

Krystal noticed that hint of ungratefulness and wondered if she should report Steve for sedition. She also now knew to be very careful around Caitlin. Steve’s warnings had made her anxious. Steve, with his natural psychic abilities saw that Krystal’s aura was disturbed, and that he’d shared too much with her, potentially putting his own eye at risk. Sending a slave-girl to Lord Garkon like this on her first night wouldn’t be good for either him or her.

“Now listen to me Krystal. Think back to how good Lord Garkon’s cum tasted. Think about how it made you want to be his forever. Think about his big red cock. Think about how it’s all that matters to you. You exist to serve your master and feel the pleasure of satisfying your master. Understand?” Steve thoughtspoke to his charge.

“Yeah, serve my master.” Krystal responded, lost in the fantasies Steve’s mild hypnotism put into her head. “Now go get him, girl. Show him why you’re going to be number one!” Steve said again. “Yeah,” Krystal cried, woken out of her fantasy daydreams and without her earlier worries weighing her down. Krystal was ready to go through the door and give her master the best damn fuck he’d ever had. The door opened and Krystal went through, ready to go.

“Silly cumwhore.” Steve thought as his charge exited into Lord Garkon’s chambers. Steve actually liked Krystal, certainly a lot more than any of the other slave girls. He would have much rather preferred to see Krystal wear the Queen of Hell crown than Caitlin or Anna. But, the girl was going to have to smarten up if she wanted to have a hope in hell of surviving Hell.


What does Krystal see when she enters Garkon's chambers? What about the other slave girls?


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