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Shadow Hunters | slutnutz | 20


It was all too much for Janus, when he first saw Venus he thought she would make a wonderfull addition to his tribe, infact he thought of asking her to be his mate, she had a passion in her eyes that he admired. He could see himself staying with Venus for many years, birthing many children but now to see her a monster plaything... it was all too much.

With a roar Janus picked up one of his spears and threw it at the group of monsters around Venus. It glanced the Troll's arm before falling to the ground.

Zixar looked up to see the charging centuar and smiled.

'This is perfect' he thought. He would stop Janus and make Venus seduce him, as a true test of loyality.

Malgan turned and noticed the charging centuar. "Master?" he asked. Zixar knodded and Malgan raised a hand and spoke clearly "Resixa Lo'lioa". A burst of energy flew from his hand and struck Janus, causing him to fall to the ground.

Zixar smiled at Malgan's perfect magic.

Zixar apprached Janus on the ground. "So the young hunter wants to be a hero?" he said. "Hmm what should i do, maybe let the Grindylow eat you, or perhaps Rockla (the troll) use your bones for tooth picks".

Zixar drew out the moment as Janus tried to stand but was held to the ground by Malgan's magic.

"Oh i know, Venus my dear, please 'help' Janus here, perhaps convince him to join us in our crusade for the future" said Janus motioning to the centaur.

The Grindylow made a threating sound but was stared down by Zixar, the Satry and Kappa stood to the side, and the troll just sat down on the ground and pick its nose.

Venus climbed to her feet, her body itched and ached. She needed a release, her eyes fell on Janus on the ground a few feet away. She slowly walked towards Janus, cum dripping down her leg as she walked.

She kneeled before Janus's rear legs, eyeing the large fold of flesh between Janus leg.

"Is this wise?" asked Malgan to Zixar.

"Absoultly, it will prove her determination to our cause". said Zixar with a smile.

"The items i requested, are made and ready?" asked Zixar, his eyes never leaving Venus."

"The metal hands and leg bracers wore hard to make but done, all they require is the command word from yourself. The sword is to be delivored tomorrow at sunup.The breastplate should be finished tomorrow, as will the leather corset. Each piece of clothing awaits your command word to active them" said Malgan.

"Good" said Zixar.

"Your forces are getting anxious" said Malgan, noticing that the Grindlytow pacing.

"Dont worry, once our new pet is done with the young centaur, we will take her to the front line to help boost 'motivation', ether as a slave or as a grunt".

Malgan smiled, he knew Zixar was a great leader but knew soon he would push his powergrab soon.

Malgan turned his eyes on to the scene now.

- Does Venus turn Janus to the cause
- Does Janus flee
- Does the original group want a turn
- Or?


What happens next?

          Janus is seduced as the other monsters satisfy their lust


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