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Star Trek: Constitution | acorn142 | 2


You look yourself over again in the mirror, nervous and eager to make a good first impression as you report to your first assignment. A deep space assignment was a high honor, and it was competitive to get it, but it also carried a lot of risk. Of course, there was always the danger of the unknown, but even more was the environment of starship life.

You worked hard throughout your time at the Academy, determined not to throw away your dreams the way so many young people did by getting distracted by relationships. You graduated at the top of your class and had your pick of assignments. The Constitution was always your first choice. Of course, there were the rumors of what life was like when 400 people -- most of whom were young adults -- did when separated from civilization for months at a time. The casual sex, perverted siyuations, and countless other things apparently was considered normal in this culture. You had worked so hard to avoid that sort of thing at the Academy, and you were determined to continue avoiding it. You worked hard for your chance, and now you had to work hard to prove yourself.

You walked from your room to the shuttle pads, ignoring the openly-lustful looks of your peers. As you sit in your seat in the shuttlecraft, ready to depart for the Constitution, you are joined by three fellow crewmembers: three men, a woman, and another whose alien form made gender identification impossible.

The shuttlecraft lifts off, and your thoughts turn to what awaits you. Still, you can't help notice two of the men nudging each other, pointing at you, and smiling knowingly.

In minutes you have docked with Constitution. The officer on deck greets you and orders you to your post in preparation for immediate departure.

What is your assignment: Command, Engineering, Science, or Security?


What is your assignment?

          First the question of race, what are you?


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