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Dreams of a Lusty Maze | zombietoph | 2


You decide to follow the left path, rustling a few fallen leaves as you plunge onward into the Maze.

Without having any clear idea on where the End is, let alone how to get to it, you make a series of random turns, sometimes hitting a dead end, sometimes feeling as if you've walked in circles, but eventually...

A tall wall stands before you, not the green hedges you've been surrounded, but leafy blue, with blue vines poured over the side - you spot a wooden sign nearby;

It reads: "This is neither the longest nor shortest route to your goal, but scale this wall if you can accept its high toll, just beyond you'll find yourself still nearer yet, that is if you don't become entangled and wet."

"Well that's weird," you remark, looking up at the blue wall. Looking to be nearly twenty feet high, you can see there are little footholds, so the only way up would be to use the vines. You sigh, "Probably wouldn't be able to find my way back anyway..."

And you begin to climb.

Luckily the vines do seem strong enough to support your weight as you struggle to pull yourself higher, although many of them are coated in an odd, sticky substance, it does little to hinder you.

As you pull yourself to about midway, you take notice of something strange - the vines seem to be moving on their own...

Just in that moment the vines spring out from the wall and wrap tightly around your wrists, ankles, thighs and neck!

"Hey, get - oommghf," you manage before a slimy vine plugs your mouth. More vines slither beneath your clothes, lathering your body with their warm, thick fluids, several wriggling under your boxers to toy with your slowly hardening penis and vulnerable butt!



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