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Midnight Swim | danielsullivan | 6


You decided not to risk ruining your chances for a silly prank and just get your clothes off. The sooner you're both naked the better.

Or so you think. The t-shirt and cargo shorts come off fast and easy but then you see a slight problem. Well, not so slight in your case but as it happens, your semi-erect cock is tenting your boxers. Not a problem at this distance but if you drop your boxers she'll definately notice the thick pole sticking out between your legs. You don't want to wreck the mood by making her think this is all a ploy to see her naked and get sexual.

Of course, those are your aims but you don't want her to know that. So, as you stand on the shoreline staring out at your beautiful childhood friend tredding water, you have yet another choice on your hands. Do you drop your boxers and risk her being repulsed by your motives or should you find a way to distract her?


Drop or Distract?


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