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"Account of Courtney & Jeremy | whizzper | 9


Teri sat in her bra and panties looking at Sydney try and avert her eyes. She smiled gently at the shy brainiac. "You know...last week after I drove you home from our study session I looked up some of that quantum stuff you are so interested in."

Sydney's eyes widened, but didn't *quite* leave Teri's crotch area which were getting a bit more wet as Teri basked in the attention. "Really?" she asked, her heart beating faster as she watched the damp spot become a bit more pronounced. 'I wonder what that's about...' she thought.

"Yeah. I don't understand much of it, but there was something I thought about afterwards, and since." Teri said, feeling her nipples harden at Sydney's innocently wanton look.

"What's that?" Sydney asked, her nervousness leaving a bit as they went into an area Sydney knew a considerable amount about. Unlike what was making her panties icky, and why she was breathing deeper and why her bra was making her breasts tingle with every breath.

"It's about how the smaller things in the universe don't act according to the rules, okay? And how they seem to, ah, conform, I guess to whoever happens to be looking at them at that time. Sort of like points of view, only science like. And that got me thinking." Teri said, though she was a bit afraid she hadn't explained it right, most of it was well over her head. Teri got up from the bed and moved slowly towards Sydney.

"Thinking's always good." Sydney replied, her right hand moving towards her crotch, suddenly wondering if that "itch for a touch" that Teri mentioned was what was making her panties icky and...well the rest.

"So I've been told." Teri said as she got to Sydney. "So...I'm thinking of you and I was making connections."

"Huh? I'm way bigger than anything that..." Sydney stopped as Teri put a finger to her lips.

"I don't mean that...uh...I don't think. I mean, you are small, and people look at you and they expect you to be quiet and, well, a geek. You go through life mostly unnoticed. Much like anything smaller than an Ant really. Or an Aphid...we can see aphids right?"

"Yes. But what does this...I mean...uh..."

"Well...During the past two weeks while you were teaching me the Math needed for the assignment I saw you in a different way. I saw your passionate side. I saw what you love and, after looking at the stuff on Quantum Mechanics I realized how much that passion can take out of you. How much energy it can drain. And...and I felt...and this is weird I felt like you were checking me out. And I saw you in a different light. I saw you as a repressed genius. And...and I want to make you happy."

"But...numbers make me happy. They don't confuse me...I...I d-d-d-don't know why b-b-b-but people conf-f-f-fuse me."

"I did figure that out too. Did you know that I find intelligence hot. And I now I want things to you." Teri said, then to Sydney's surprise she unclasped her bra and shrugged it off, leaving her topless in front of Sydney. "You like them?" Teri asked, huskily.

"Y-y-y-y-yes. I do." Sydney said, her eyes riveted to Teri's tanned breasts, her nipples slightly darker.

"Here...let me help you." Teri said, confusing Sydney. 'Help with what?' Sydney thought as she continued to stare at the perfect 38C's in front of her.

Then Teri reached out and unbuttoned the top two buttons of Sydney's shirt. She tugged it out of the just below the knee skirt, and with Sydney's unconscious help pulled it up over her head, leaving her in a skirt, panties and bra. "What's wrong with me?" Sydney asked. "I...I feel so weird."

"If you are feeling like me you are getting horny, girl." Teri said, unzipping the skirt and letting it drop to pool around Sydney's feet. "And judging by the wet spot you need it bad."

"Wet spot...oh no...did I just pee myself?" Sydney asked, and finally tore her eyes away from titty perfection to look down at her white cotton panties with a pronounced wet spot where her bush covered slit was.

"No, normally this is so a guy can have sex with you. Lessens friction and all that. You've never shaved I see, that's cool. Means you're really horny." Teri answered, undoing Sydney's bra. Dropping the bra on the floor she couldn't resist tweaking the left nipple.

"Sh-sh-sh-shave? My mom t-t-t-t-taught me to shave my legs, I d-d-d-d-did that just last night." Sydney said, misinterpreting.

"Not there. I mean, " Teri said then got on her knees and tugged down the smaller girl's panties revealing a sparse but full bush covering Sydney's mound. The smell of her virgin horniness tickling Teri's nose. "this. It's not too bad actually. Cute in fact. Just like the rest of you." Teri got back up, slipping her panties down as she stood up revealing her shaved bare pussy to Sydney.

"W-w-w-what's g-g-g-g-going on, T-t-t-t-t-Teri?"

"You trust me right? I wouldn't hurt you. Ever. I swear. Well...If you'd let me there might be a bit of a sharp pain for a moment, but, please trust me, I want you to feel good. I don't want you to be locked away in a lab with no fun at all. Please trust me." Teri said, gently.

Sydney stood amazed for a moment. Her blushed faded. "I do trust you."

"Good." With that Teri leaned forward and gave Sydney her first kiss. A gentle, soft touch of the lips, that to Sydney felt like the best thing in the world. "So," Teri said quietly, her hands roaming over Sydney's small body. "Shall we take a shower together, you just want to get to the learning?"


Shower or Bed?

          Teri waits for Sydney to shower


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