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Bi-Boy Brain Bender | Acorn142 | 3


“Test it out?” you respond. “Zack, I don't even know what this is all about. It could kill me!”

Zack thought about that for a moment. “Well... it hasn't killed you yet... and you're not really sure that it's anything at all, right? The only smart thing to do is a quick experiment to see whether you have something rockin' cool, or if you really have flipped your lid.”

You had to acknowledge the logic, so you agree to a test.

Zack, of course, had an immediate suggestion. He went to the window and pointed. “See that chick down there by the tree? She's been there all afternoon, painting for an art class. I tried to chat her up, but she's pretty uptight. Anyway... make her take her clothes off.”

You shake your head. “I'm not going to do something like to someone I don't even know. I've got some values, you know.” Even as you say it, you are disturbed at just how tempting the proposition is.

Zack thinks for a moment and agrees with you. “You're right. Just have her strip to her underwear.”

“Forget it,” you say, before you give in to the suggestion. “Let's try something a little less risque.”

You look through the window and see three fraternity guys playing frisbee. Down the sidewalk a ways from them are a couple, walking hand-in-hand. Over at the parking lot, you see the Dean of Students getting out of his car in his suit and tie, walking toward one of the buildings. Quickly, you make up your mind and tell Zack what you're going to do.

About 10 seconds later, everyone in view stopped what they were doing and marvelled at the sight of the formal-looking, all-business Dean of Students, running at full speed across the lawn, making a wild leap, and snatching the frisbee out of the air. The spectators clapped in genuine appreciation for such an unexpected treat, but Zack just looked at you with awestruck admiration.

“This is so freakin' awesome, Bro! Just think of what you can do! You can get rich... have power... get laid whenever you want...”

“Zack, remember... this could kill me.”

Zack sobered up a bit at that thought. “You're right. Screw the money and power. You need to get laid. If you're gonna die, you might as well die happy.”

“No... we need to find out what happened to me, and what it means. I need some answers.”

Even as you say that, you can't help but think that one of the answers you need is why, despite fear of death, you feel hornier than you've ever felt in your life. More than once you caught yourself at the very last minute from saying something about how hot Zack is or even worse, reaching out and grabbing his ass. And it isn't just Zack... Your thoughts toward everyone seem to be increasingly sexual, and since that definitely doesn't mesh with your normally-shy self, you know that something is very wrong.



          into the building


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