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Midnight Swim | DanielSullivan | 5


"You want me to go in naked too?"

"If you're up for it," you say. "I've never been skinny dipping before. It might be a fun experience."

"I've never been skinny dipping either," she admits. "This night really isn't turning out how I expected it."

"Oh come on. Let's be wild and live a little. No one else is going to see us out here at midnight, it's just you and me."

With a little smile and a sigh, she agrees. You can't believe that worked. You're going to get to see her absolutely naked. It's been the material for many of your fantasies and wet dreams but now you're finally going to see it in the flesh.

"I'm a little shy about changing out here in the open. Can you stay here while I go undress behind that bush?" She says, pointing to some overgrowth around the side of the pond. You nodd.

She saunters off behind the bush as you stand on the shore, imagining all the parts of her body. Her breasts, her nipples, her round ass cheeks and the pussy lips between her legs. You see her throw the warm up jacket over the top of the bush. Then off come the pants. She's in nothing but the bikini now. The dark blue bikini top appears on top of the rest of the clothes. You wait for it, knowing that they're coming. There they are. Her bikini bottoms. You can't see her, but you know for sure she's naked behind that bush.

"Last one in is a rotton egg," she screams as she dashes out from behind the bush. You can't see much, apart from her ass, beckoning you to follow. There's a splash as she dives into the pond. You can't see anything now under the dark water.

"What are you waiting for?" She calls to you.

What are you waiting for? What will you do now? Get undressed and follow her in? Or have some fun and steal her clothes?


Undress? Steal her clothes? Or something else?



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