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Midnight Swim | DanielSullivan | 4


"Well, how about I just go in without the shorts?"

She tilts her head sideways as she looks at you.

"But then you won't be wearing anything."

"Well, yeah," you say. "But if I can't wear my shorts and I forgot my swimming gear, this seems like the only option."

Her brown eyes widen as she realises exactly what you're proposing. Though she opens her mouth, she makes no sound and again you begin to wonder if you've blown your chances with your childhood friend. She'll think that you're a pervert who goes around exposing themselves at the drop of a hat. Her silence isn't exactly inspiring any hope in the opposite at any rate.

"You'll be completely naked?" She manages finally.


"So I'll see and all?"

Is she asking out of curiosity or is she afraid of how far you'll go? Maybe she's hoping that you have a plan to contain your most private parts without the use of shorts.

"You mean my penis? Well, I can't think of any way to hide it if I'm not wearing shorts," you reply. She blushes when you say penis. You're not sure if she finds it arousing or disgusting. Maybe you were a bit too forward...

"You know, you're really confident. Most guys usually take a little coercing to get them to pull it out," she says. You wonder how many guys she's coerced into getting their penises out, but she continues before you can ask. "Aren't you self-conscious about stripping of in front of another person at all?"

"Please, Sandy, I've known you since we were little. I don't think there's anything I couldn't bare to you. Though, I'd be a lot less self-concious if we both did it."


Were you too forward again? Or will she take a chance with you?

          She goes for it.


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