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Knocked Up Notions | pervold | 15


As you go for her panties, Maggie decides to resist, she's trying to swing her bound hands behind her head to hit you. You simply lean forward more just out of reach, she's also bend her legs at the knee and kicking wildly, your position is perfect, she can't arch enough to be in reach to hit or kick you. You grin as you watch her flail and her panties begin to bunch up in the crack of her ass. She's trying so furiously to get free that she's really sweating hard and you swear her panties are getting damp. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU BASTARD!" she grunts, panting hard with her efforts, or is it maybe excitement? With one hand you grab the bunched cloth near the waistband of her panties, bunching them up more and pull them toward you tightly. "WHAT FUCK!" she moans, as you pull her panties into the crack of her ass and you can only imagine what is going on underneath to her pussy.

All though it's not really in your character to be dominant and controlling, this is turning you on. Tugging on her panties a few more times, is now eliciting grunts with no words from Maggie. Turning your head, you smile at what you see, Her head is tilted back, eyes shut tight, biting her bottom lip. Her arms at back on the floor and it looks like she's desperately trying to clutch the carpet with her bound hands. Wanting to see her reaction you tug again hard, Her mouth opens as if to moan before she quickly bites her lip again. Her arms extend and go stiff against the carpet. Turning your attention to her backside, you look as Maggies has now stopped kicking, her thighs clenched together,legs crossed at the ankles, rubbing each other, her toes curled, ass flexing and relaxing.

"She's getting off on this!" you think, realizing for the moment you are in charge and she's not. Not letting the powershift go to waste, you raise your free hand high in the air cupping it slightly for maximum effect, before swinging it down hard on her right ass cheek. Watching and listening in an adrenline rush as her whole body tenses. She grunts again, a little lower this time. She's still trying to hide her submissive enjoyment, but you're not gonna let that go on for long. You repeat your previous process, faster and faster across each cheek, your hand is getting warm as is her flesh as it turns pink, her muscles clench with each whack and her moans are increasing in volume, as is the stiffness in your cock. "Fuck that's good! That other..UGH!... coward... AAGH!...never...SHIT!.... had this much..... UHM FUCKING GUTS!"

With her admission, at least of enjoyment, you stop and release her panties. Breathing hard she asks " why the fuck did you stop?" Turning your your head, grabbing her ponytail and pinching her ass cheek at the same time, you look at her flushed face and then direcly into her eyes and say " Because I'm in charge, and I can." you slap her ass again for emphasis. "NOW SHUT UP! AND DON'T FUCKING MOVE!" youg say roughly and shove her face forward and dismount from her back.


more bondage or?

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