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The Lilith Strain | scorcha | 3


You stare in mesmerised horror at the monstrosity your girlfriend has become. How on earth did this happen?

The demon that was once Jessica envelops your cock with her tongue, pulling you towards her lustful embrace. Your body is craving more, but finally your brain takes over. You snap out of your trance just in time to stop her from getting your member into her mouth. Shoving the succubus aside you bolt for the door, grabbing your car keys on the way out. Jess' scream of frustration pierces the air around you, causing a shudder of yearning to turn around and go back, but you keep going with grim fortitude.

You hurry towards the stairwell and the safety of your car in the underground car park. Loud footsteps behind you tell you that Jess isn't about to give up so easily. Reaching the stairs, you descend three at a time.

Just as you reach the bottom, you are struck in the back by something heavy. You roll through the door into the car park, wrestling with an assailant you cannot see. In sheer desperation, you wrench yourself free and kick your attacker away. Panting heavily, you find yourself staring at the crumpled form of what once was Jess. She must have flown down the stairs, the small part of your mind still responding to logic tells you, and when you kicked her, she hit her head on the door.

She seems unconscious, but you're not taking any chances. You head towards your car, when you hear a girl's scream of terror from across the other side of the car park. Heroism conflicts with self-preservation inside your head.


Should you investigate, or save yourself?

          Get out of there!

          The good Samaritan...


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