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Boy Cursed to be a Girl | ErisL | 17


It's coming. It's so close you can taste it. An orgasm big enough to return you to male if you're not already pregnant, but... but... you don't care. You don't... So close... So very... you could almost want this... you want this...

You submit.

"I'M A GIRL!" you scream out just before you cum, and the world dissolves in ecstatic release, pleasure rippling out from between your thighs. And then there's a feeling that's altogether freakish and bizzare as your flesh attempts to shift around the strap-on that's still inside you. Your chest tightens. Your shoulders expand. You can feel the bone-structure of your face shifting inside your skull. It's NEVER been like this. It feels... wrong. Your hips practically writhe as they shift back towards male, but your genitals... don't.

You come back to your senses. Your body is male, but she's still inside you. You've still got a pussy between your legs, and it feels...

"Turn me back," you beg. "I'm a girl, please, turn me back..."

Gemma taps her lips thoughtfully. "Well, that's... interesting." A slow smile spreads across her face. "I can work with this."


OK, what the hell? Are you stuck like this? Will you complete the change when she pulls out of you?

          no... but something weird happens


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