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When Temptation Rears It's Head | childofasmodeus | 2


"I'm sorry kid, I need to swing by the office so I'll need the car," Jack said, hoping that would be the end of it.

Emily frowned and looked at the ground. Jack truly felt bad about not making her happy. He was about to try and console her when he noticed that her friend Kim was standing in the doorway. Kim was Emily's wild child friend. Kim had a wild streak that Jack had heard about, if never saw. She was always behaved when she was around Emily so he never gave to much thought to her reputation. Although he admitted to himself that he worried that some of the stories he had heard may have included his daughter.

Kim also had a sad expression on her face. Jack guessed they both had really been hoping he'd say yes. His eyes roamed back over Kim's body standing in the doorway. She had on a white tank top and some pink sweat shorts. Her blonde hair hung loosely to her shoulders. Her tits were just a bit bigger than his daughters. The swell of her breasts pushed out the front of her tank top. Jack felt a stirring in his loins as he noticed she wasn't wearing a bra. Her small nipples poking through the shirt.

Jack nervously looked away, hoping she hadn't noticed. He truly did feel bad for not letting his daughter use the car. Jack noticed she still had the sad expression on her face.

"OK Dad," Emily said and started to turn away. Jack was surprised they were giving up so easy. He expected begging and pleading at least.

"Wait. If it wouldn't kill you to be seen with your old man, I could drop you off and then swing back to get you on my way back," Jack said. He was such a soft touch.

"Oh could you? Thanks so much!" Emily turned and smashed him in a hug. Jack was still seated so his daughters breasts were pressed up against the side of his face. He felt his prick jump with arousal.

"Go get ready and I'll meet you downstairs in 5 minutes. I just have to finish answering these emails."

Jack watched as they walked away. Or rather he watched their asses as they walked away. Both girls were on the volleyball team, and it showed. Their butts were well toned and looked nice and firm from Jack's vantage point.
Emily's pale legs ending under the cut off denim shorts was a nice contrast to Kim's tan legs and pink sweat shorts. Jack laughed to himself as he read the word "Spank" written across Kim's backside. He couldn't understand why having dirty words on young girl's asses had become a trend, but he didn't mind it right now.

As they bounced out of view down the stairs Jack regained his composure. He needed to get laid, it'd been far too long. Now he was even scoping out his daughter.
"You're a sick sick man, Mr. Bryant," Jack said to himself as he finished up his email and closed up the laptop. He kept replaying the scene of the two girls' asses walking away in his mind. There was a pang of guilt when he thought about Emily, but it was not nearly as strong as the surge of lust that accompanied it.

Jack got downstairs and both girls were waiting on him by the door.
"You're not going to change first?" Jack asked, seeing they were both in the same clothes as before.

"No, why would we?" Emily asked, looking sincerely confused.

"Well I just thought those clothes were fine for sitting around the house, but you might want to cover up a bit to go in public. You girl's don't leave a whole lot to the imagination, and your friend has the word spank across her bottom." The words were out before Jack caught his mistake. As he mentioned Kim's ass he thought he noticed a spark in her eyes and a small smile playing on the corner of her lips.

"Ew! Don't look at my friend's butt, that's gross. Come on, we look fine. It's just the mall. We have far more revealing outfits than this. You're just too old to know what girls wear. And you're a guy." Emily said as she started out to the driveway.

Kim gave him a glance, then followed. "Busted, smooth buddy," Jack thought to himself. Hell, it could have been worse. At least he didn't comment on his daughter's ass. Hopefully some time at the office would clear his head. He needed to get control of his thoughts and stop thinking about his daughter and her friend.

As they reached the car both girls yelled "Shotgun!" There was a small argument about who had said it first and who should be able to sit up front. Not able to reach a conclusion they turned to Jack

"Daddy, who said it first?" Emily asked, giving Jack the puppy dog eyes that always worked so well on him.


Who gets shotgun?

          Let Kim

          Daddy's girl


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