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. | childofasmodeus | 8


Sheila was lost in her thoughts about her bubble bath when she heard her cell phone ring. She fished in her purse until she caught hold of it and answered.

It was Kyle, "Hello baby! I'm sorry I didn't make it to pick you up," and he sounded drunk.

"It's OK, it's nice tonight so I decided to walk and enjoy some fresh air," Sheila said, slightly amused as she took another drag from her cigarette.

"Look, I'm off tomorrow so I drank a bit too much. I'm going to be awhile. You don't mind do you. I can get Andy to drive me home or something if you're mad," Kyle said

From the sounds of it, the rest of the guys were quite drunk too.

"No that's OK-" Sheila started, but she was cut off by what sounded like the phone dropping then a rough scraping sound.

"Hi baby! I'm sorry too," It was Kyle's friend Andy. "Look," He whispered into the phone, "Kyle is pretty drunk. I'm way too drunk to drive him home and we're not about to let him drive. I know he'll go if you say so, but I think he should just crash here. My man doesn't work tomorrow and I can have him back before your shift tomorrow."

Sheila was surprised that she was liking the idea of the house to herself so she could properly masturbate as much as she wanted. She stubbed out her smoke then said, "No that's fine. You guys drink up and stay safe. I'll make sure he stays there, put my husband back on."

"OK, love you sweet tits," Andy laughed.

After a moment Kyle was back on the phone. "I'm real sorry doll. He's a jerk. I am OK to drive-"

Sheila cut him off, "No, you just stay. You boys have fun and I'll see you tomorrow. "

"OK I'll see you tomorrow then. I really hope you aren't upset, I love you so much," Kyle said

Sheila could hear Andy yelling in the background, "Woohoo! She bought it! To the strip club boys!"

"Don't mind him, he's just drunk and messing around," Kyle explained, "I do love you. See you tomorrow."

The call was ended before she could say that she loved him too. Sheila turned off the main road into a dark side road. Andy was always obnoxious and messing around. He had a weird sense of humor that was sometimes annoying. He was also Kyle's best friend. Sheila thought he was a little shady. Andy had made passes at her before. They were under the guise of jokes, but Sheila was pretty sure he was just seeing if she'd go for it.

Sheila was fairly certain that the strip club thing was a joke, but it was possible that Andy had convinced Kyle to lie so they could go to one. Not that she was overly concerned. She'd be more mad that they drove drunk or lied than she would be about them seeing strippers. Besides, some guy had already felt her up and she was going home to masturbate to it. the least she could do is let her husband go get a lap dance.

Sheila walked for a bit in peace. She had lit up another smoke and was fantasizing about her bubble bath when a car going down the street slowed down and lowered it's window.

"Those things will kill you, you know?" A young guy said, leaning over to talk to her out of the passenger side of his car.

"Sorry, that's probably creepy. I meant it like a sarcastically, I smoke myself," He said.

Sheila stopped walking and took a big drag of her cigarette, "Yeah, I've heard that. About these being bad. Thanks."

"I'm Jake. I saw you walking, thought you might need a lift. I wasn't trying to be an ass."

"I'm not supposed to get into cars with strangers," Sheila said.

"What if I let you bum me a cigarette?" Jake said laughingly.

This caught Sheila off guard. She walked up to the car and put her head to the rolled down passenger window. "You just want to bum a smoke?"

"Yeah. I'd give you a lift too if you wanted. I told you my name so technically you could argue that I'm not a stranger," Jake smiled.

Sheila found her defenses lowering. Now that she was by the car she could see him. He had styled black hair and a bit of rough stubble on his face. His teeth shone in the dark. From what she could tell he had a rugged handsome model look about him. Sheila pulled out a cigarette and handed it to him through the window. If he was a serial rapist he could pull her into the car and speed away.

Instead Jake took it and lit it. After he blew out the smoke he said, "I am sorry if I spooked you. I forget most people aren't laid back like me. If you don't need a lift I'll leave you to it then.

"Wait," Sheila said and swung open the car door. She was seated and buckled in before she really knew what she was doing. "You can drive me home, but if you try anything I'm married and my husband is a gun nut."

Jake put the car in gear and slowly drove away. Sheila directed him to her house. Jake seemed sane and funny. After a minute or two Sheila had forgotten he was a stranger and felt very comfortable talking with him.

Soon they arrived at her home.


Invite Jake in?

          It's the polite thing to do


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